Health Office
Mission Statement for Pius X Health Services
The mission of Pius X High School Health Service is to promote wellness and safety while providing a Christ centered health environment to advocate for academic excellence among all students.
An ill student cannot learn effectively and is unable to participate in classes in a meaningful way. Keeping an ill student home prevents the spread of illness in the school community and allows the student an opportunity to rest and recover.
In case of illness or injury, a student will be sent home from school when the parent or legal guardian has been reached by telephone and appropriate arrangements are made for her or his transportation from school. If the school nurse is unable to reach the parent or guardian, the authorized family emergency contacts will be notified.
If a student has a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher, parents/guardians will be contacted. The student will be sent home as soon as proper arrangements can be made.
Students will be excluded from school for the following conditions: contagious or infectious disease, including chicken pox, measles and mumps; pink eye; suspicious rash; vomiting, diarrhea, seizure activity, skin eruptions.
Students may not return to school until they are fever free for twenty-four (24) hours without fever reducing medication and/or bring a doctor’s note granting permission to return, or until all evidence of the condition is gone.
School Nurse
Holly Steinbach
Phone: 402-488-0931

The school nurse can be found from 7:30 am to about 3 pm in the Nurse’s Office inside the school’s main office.
Healthcare Objectives
- Health Screenings
- Immunization Monitoring
- Communicable Disease Control
- Nurse Consultation and Specialized Care
- Health Education
- Crisis Medical Support
- Emotional Support
Health Forms
Helpful hints from the school nurse
Pius X High school does have a full-time nurse on staff. “Nurse Holly” Steinbach is here from 7:30 am until about 3 pm and is located in the Student Health Center inside the main office.
A few reminders for parents and students:
- All medications must be given through the Health Center during school hours, including over the counter medications such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen. There are a few exceptions to this rule if your child has a chronic condition such as an allergy, asthma, seizures and/or diabetes. (Please see below)
- Please be sure that your “Medical Form” is filled out correctly and fully on Powerschool.
- Please be sure that emergency contacts are also up to date on Powerschool.
- If your student has NOT attended the Diocese of Lincoln Schools you will need to submit updated immunizations. If you have questions about this requirement please contact me.
What things does Nurse Holly all see?
I work with students with anything that is medical related this may include, but not limited to the following:
- Concussions
- Bloody noses
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Headaches
- Cold symptoms
- Chronic conditions
- Responding to medical emergencies during the school day.
- Menstrual Cramps
- Helping plan accommodations in the classrooms when needed after surgery or an injury.
- Giving daily medications
I do have a supply of Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Zyrtec, Benadryl, cough drops and Tums in the office. These are NOT chewable and/or liquid. If your child requires such you must provide these.
My child has asthma, severe allergies, seizures and/or diabetes. What paperwork does Nurse Holly all need?
For any of the listed medical conditions above I will need their action plan- this is basically an order from your child’s doctor telling me what things I should do for your child and their condition. Most doctor offices have their own action plan and will know exactly what you are talking about.
If your child is self- carrying their medication for these chronic conditions I need the self-carry form on the Pius Student Health page signed and brought with the action plan.
If your child is keeping their medication in the office with me I will need the Pius RX medication form filled out and brought in with the medication.
Please contact me with any questions about this paperwork.
*Please note if I do not have this paperwork and your child needs to go into my emergency protocols 911 will be called*.
My child requires a daily and/or as needed prescribed medication? What paperwork do I need?
If your child needs to or might need to take a prescribed medication anytime during the school day the Pius RX medication form found on the website needs to be filled out. The medications also needs to come in the original bottle from the pharmacy. I will NOT accept medication in any other container such as a Ziplock bag.
This would apply also to a medication that might start in the middle of the school year and any medication that may only be for a day or two.
Please note that if the medication is a narcotic I do require parents to bring the medication to and from school to ensure that all medication is accounted for.
When should I contact Nurse Holly about my student?
Whenever you feel like there is something medically happening with your child or you have any questions. I am usually very responsive to emails and can return calls when I am not working with students.
A few things that are VERY helpful for me to know include the following:
- If your child has been diagnosed with a concussion outside of Pius
- If your child has an upcoming surgery
- If your child has received a diagnosis that may affect them at school for a short OR long time.
When will Nurse Holly contact me?
I really believe in helping the students of Pius learn self-advocacy as well as communication skills. Most the time when a student comes to see me I will not contact parents. If a student comes to see me and we decide they need to go home I will typically have the student call parents to talk to them and parents are always welcome to ask to talk to me.
I will call the parents when there are more in-depth conversations that I need to ensure the parent gets the information and/or when I deem it is necessary for me to contact parents directly.
Please note that time sensitive information will be called to parents- but I will also use email for communication for some things as well.
What is Nurse Holly’s contact information?
You can always find me by calling the front office and asking to speak to the nurse.
My email is as follows:
I look forward to working with you and your student here at Pius X High School!