Ways to Give

Fund for Pius X

Each year, you can invest in Pius X High School through its annual fund, the Fund for Pius X. You can give a gift in various ways:
1. Make a gift through our website,
2. Donate on Give to Pius X Day,
3. Complete and return a letter we send to you,
4. Donate via the envelope in Pius X Connections magazine,
5. Setup recurring gifts via ACH (Download and Print a Recurring Gift Form).


Designating memorials to the Pius X Foundation endowment is a wonderful tribute to your loved one and protects the future of Pius X High School and Catholic education in Lincoln. The Pius X Foundation endowment provides direct budget support of Pius X High School through a yearly distribution to the school. As the endowment grows, so does the support that the school receives. For additional information, please contact Courtney Johnson or call 402-488-1046.

Planned Giving

Ensuring the wishes of your charitable giving are in place allow you to enjoy the rewards of the work you’ve put in throughout your life.

Matching Gift

Your employer may offer a matching gift option, meaning they will double or even triple your gift to Pius X. 

Teacher/Staff Wish List

View our list of items from our teacher/staff wish list. Please contact the Advancement Office at 402-488-1046 to make a donation or email Courtney.johnson@piusx.net.  Checks can be made out to Pius X High School.

Master Plan Wish List

Pius X’s vision for the future is reflected in our school’s master plan wish list. If you are interested in helping Pius X move our vision for the future forward, please contact Courtney Johnson or call 402-488-1046.

Pius X Campus
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