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Malina Roxie Class Registration PSA

Class Registration PSA

Hey Thunderbolts, it’s registration time! Director of counseling Shelly Pick tells you all you need to know to register for next year’s classes in this PSA.

Inara AcaDeca Regionals

AcaDeca wins regional competition

The Pius X Academic Decathlon competed in regionals on Saturday, Jan. 18. The competition consisted of tests, a super quiz, and finally awards and it took place at Pius X.

Roxie Joy germ 1

Class spreads “JOY” around school

Child Developments kicked off their first project to start the year with “The Joy Germ” on Jan. 8. “This national day first started in World War I when sickness started

Maria Restore

Russman kicks off Restore for 2025

The first Restore of 2025 took place on Jan. 8 in the Bishop Flavin Gym. Senior Lily Russman was the student speaker. “The point I wanted to get across for

Inara Ava AcaDeca 2nd Scrimmage 2

Video: Academic Decathlon competes at second scrimmage

Academic Decathlon’s second scrimmage was held at Bellevue East High School. The scrimmage went over science, social science, economics and music. Learn more about how Academic Decathlon prepares and competes

Inara theology project

Freshmen memorize, recite psalms

Students had to memorize a psalm of their choice and recite it for the class in the freshman theology classes. Sr. Guadalupe is one of the freshman theology teachers. She

Blair Maria Restore PSA Pic

December Restore Preview

Are you going to Restore? Restore is a night of adoration, student testimony, prayer teams, confessions – it’s a beautiful night to encounter the Lord. The next Restore is Wednesday,

JD Hain

Contemporary History students present projects

From Nov. 25-26, history teacher Alex Hain had students present a topic of their choice in Contemporary History class. This topic covered an influential figure, group, or movement from the

Sarah ministry movie night

Ministry members attend Duppong documentary

Some of the campus ministry students went to the documentary “Radiating Joy: The Michelle Duppong Story” at the Lincoln Grand Cinema on Nov. 12. “I thought it was really inspiring

Roxie Gparent day

Grandparents honored at annual Mass

Pius X held their annual Grandparents Day on Oct. 10. Over 600 grandparents of students attended a presentation, Mass, and snacks to enjoy with their grandchildren. “I like getting to

Blair Mock Trial

Mock trial team holds practice trial

The Pius X mock trial team had the first practice trial of the season on Wednesday. “I was excited to watch a practice trial because it is my first year

Ava Passport meeting

Passport to Adventure holds first meeting

The Passport to Adventure Club held a meeting at Afghan Village Cuisine, a small Halal restaurant located off O Street, on Oct. 3. Shiela Sievert, AP Human Geography teacher, has

JD Apply to college day

Counselors host Apply to College Day

The counseling center hosted Apply to College Day in the library on September 24. It featured representatives from University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), University of Nebraska-Omaha (UNO), Nebraska Wesleyan, Southeast Community

Malina Marching band

Marching band hosts season-opening exhibition

The Pius X marching band hosted their exhibition on Sept. 21 where they performed and were critiqued along with three other schools. This year’s show theme is “David and Goliath”

Blair Spanish project

Spanish III classes present hotel projects

All Spanish III students at Pius X had to create, practice and present projects about their own unique hotel special to Nebraska. “I thought this project was fun because we

Easton pack the chap pic by Scotty

Students “pack the chap” one last time

Campus ministry held their last “pack the chap” of the 2023-24 school year on Wednesday, May 15. Pack the chap was held throughout the school year, usually on the second

Grace L. Psych

Psychology students learn about conditioning

Seniors in Psychology classes learned about classical conditioning in a unique way on April 11. Psychology teacher Matthew Sestak taught the lesson by conditioning volunteers to flinch at the word

Easton blood 2

Bolts roll up their sleeves at blood drive

Nebraska Community Blood Bank held one of their annual student blood drives on Thursday, May 2 at Pius X. “The drive was funded by our donor recruitment people,” mobile supervisor

Roxie Robotics

Engineering class builds and tests robots

Engineering II started building robots two weeks ago and started testing them last Friday, April 26. First, the students started out on their own and then were put into groups

IMG 5291

22 seniors sign to compete in college athletics

On Wednesday, 22 seniors were honored at the spring athletic signing, involving 12 sports. Each athlete had the opportunity to invite their families, friends, coaches or trainers on stage while

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Accelerated Physics students launch eggs

Students of Jeremy Scheffler’s Accelerated Physics class were recently assigned an “egg artillery” project. They were able to group up to four people and were tasked to launch an egg

Easton CFRs 1

Franciscian Friars visit Pius X classes

Special visitors joined the Pius X theology classes on Wednesday, March 4. The guests were Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, who were visiting far from their home of New York.

Roxie Yearbook PSA

Yearbook Order PSA

Pius X yearbook has been working hard to produce the 2023-24 yearbook. This year’s theme is “Light up the dark.” Learn more about how to reserve your copy in the

Grace S. BOLT Lottery PSA pic

BOLT Lottery Ticket Sales PSA

BOLT is the largest fundraiser for Pius X each year. Students are asked to sell lottery tickets for the event. Learn more in Grace’s video!

Cassie APES Field Trip Pic

AP Environmental Science Tours Pius X

Students in AP Environmental Science took a tour around Pius X. Facilities manager Matt Schafers helped the students learn about the school’s heating and cooling systems. Learn more in Cassie’s

Easton Overtime video pic

Check out Overtime!

Pius X is holding its first ever Overtime event, open to all Pius X students. The event is Friday, Feb. 9 from 9-11:30 pm. Dodgeball, a dance with a DJ,

Lillian Snow days video pic

How many snow days is too many snow days?

From Jan. 8-16, Lincoln schools called four snow days and only had two days of classes. In Nebraska, snow days in January are far from uncommon, but having so many

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