Fulton to represent Team USA in Futsal World Cup

Freshman Basil Fulton has been selected to represent the United States on Team USA in the Futsal 2021 World Cup.

The event is being held in Asuncion, Paraguay from November 20-28.

“I’m very excited and a little bit nervous,” Fulton said. “I feel honored and excited to represent the United States.”

Being in South America, Fulton will have to travel by plane.

“It’ll be the first time I travel out of the country, so that’s going to be really fun,” Fulton said.

Futsal is different from soccer, as instead of grass, it is played on a hard surface with a weighted ball, smaller field, and shorter games.

“I hope I perform at my best and I hope that our team plays really well, and I hope that we win the whole thing,” Fulton said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: JD Stempson

Staff Writer

Photographer: JD Stempson

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