Theater students learn from a pro

Theater students signed out of seventh and eighth periods on Wednesday to listen to voice actor Dick Terhune speak about his experience in the industry.

After an introduction from speech teacher Larry Logsdon, Terhune told the students of a few of the projects he has been in, including a solo performance of “A Christmas Carol.”

Terhune spoke about how he got started in voice acting and about the audition process. He then asked if anyone wanted to do a practice audition. Senior Riley Shaw’s hand shot up and she was called up to take the stage.

Terhune handed her a script and she began to act out the scene. Afterwards, Terhune gave Shaw a few pointers and she did it again.

Shaw’s performance was followed up by senior Tatum Maley, freshman Maggie Seeman, sophomore Jackson Roberts, and freshman Marcus Schidler, who each received a unique script to perform.

“I was a little scared but he made it really easy,” Seeman said. “He didn’t put any pressure on anyone and gave really good tips.”

After the practice auditions, Terhune spoke in more detail about projects that he has been in, including commercials, video games and on-stage works.

“He told stories of all of the different characters he has done and as he spoke he told the story as the characters,” junior Cate Dolezal said.

Afterwards, it was time for a Q&A. Terhune answered questions ranging from how he got an agent to how to take care of your voice during and between projects. He also gave advice on finding a job that you love.

“Keep your hearts and minds open and what you love will find you,” Terhune said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Cassie Schlautman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Zachary Baehr

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