Spanish IV students deepen understanding of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Spanish IV classes have been honoring Mother Mary by walking to the chapel on their knees.

“It is not even half of what some people do but it gives the class a little taste of what it was like for people to walk on their knees to the Basilica,” senior Sophia Doan said.

The Spanish IV classes have been focusing on the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and how it affects people’s lives.

“Our Mother opens doors in our lives that we could never open on our own and once you open the door to a relationship with her, she runs with it,” freshman theology teacher Sr. Guadalupe DeWispelare said.

While the students of these classes talked about Our Lady of Guadalupe, they spoke about what she did for the world and how they can implicate it in their lives.

“Sr. Guadalupe’s testimony of faith was beautiful, and it really made me think about how I could let Mary into my heart,” Doan said.

Not only did they listen to DeWispelare’s testimony, but they also sang a song of worship dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“The song was pretty catchy,” DeWispelare said. “I wish I had learned the actions that went along with the song.”

After they were done in the chapel, the students went to their designated classrooms and ate authentic Mexican food.

“It was nice experience to have, and I would love to do it again,” Doan said.

Spanish IV teachers hoped to continue expanding their knowledge on Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“I hope what we did today resonates with the students and did not just go in one ear and out the other,” DeWispelare said. “I think there were real things of value said today.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Roxie Prunty

Staff Writer

Photographer: Roxie Prunty

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