Spanish III classes present hotel projects

All Spanish III students at Pius X had to create, practice and present projects about their own unique hotel special to Nebraska.

“I thought this project was fun because we got to draw things that were all in Nebraska,” junior Tayla Morehead said.

Students were given two weeks from start to finish to get their projects completed.

“We had one day of class where we got to work on the project, but other than that it was homework,” junior Brooke Thomsen said.

On presentation day, students sat in a circle and rotated while presenting to other students and their teacher.

“I was kind of scared to present my project, but after showing my classmates my project it made me feel super prepared to show my teacher,” Morehead said.

When students were asked to present, they had to give five complete sentences about certain things in their hotel and why they chose to have those things.

“Only having to do five sentences made this project really easy and not stressful,” junior Carter Peed said.

The Spanish teachers gave the students their grade right away and gave them feedback about their sentences.

“I liked getting my grade right away because I did not have to stress about it, and I got feedback that I could use right away,” Thomsen said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Blair Bergevin

Staff Writer

Photographer: Blair Bergevin

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