Seniors cap Spanish classes with video projects

Students in Spanish IV have begun working on their final project in Spanish class, making a movie entirely in Spanish.

The project is to make a five to ten minute movie and show off the Spanish these students have learned in their time at Pius X.

“My movie is about Lovers of Teruey,” senior Ellie Swanson said. “It’s basically Romeo and Juliet but the girl wants to marry one guy and ends up marrying a different guy, and then they all die.”

Students were given a list of about sixty themes to choose from for their movies. None of the groups could pick the same theme so that every movie would be unique.

“I like that we can’t have the same themes so that every movie is different, so that we don’t get bored when we watch them in class,” senior Joseph Werner said.

Students work in groups of three to five.

“I’ve learned so much about Selena which is my topic, and what a joyous time it has been making new friends and working with my group,” senior Ryan Hans said.

Spanish IV students will be working on their movies until the end of April.

“It’ll be a lot of work, but it’ll be worth it to see our movie come together in the end,” Werner said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Libby Schinstock

Staff Writer

Photographer: Libby Schinstock

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