Learning through tableaux

Have you ever been so intrigued with a book that you want to act out scenes from your book? Jennifer Sander’s English I class made tableaux throughout the week of Oct. 31 – Nov. 4 and performed Nov. 3 and 4.

A tableau is a 3-scene project about a certain book of the student’s choice. Sander has been doing these in her classes since she started teaching.

“Tableau show that we did our homework, we put in the work reading our book,” freshman Oskar Kathol said.

The students read their books over four weeks. The students made these projects in just three days.

“We get to understand certain scenes in our books better and work together with our group,” freshman Luke Miller said.

The students made these with their other group members.

“A fun way to explain and show important scenes from the book you read,” freshman Cammie Hodge said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Hunter Ihde

Staff Writer

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