Journalism students attend fall convention

Members of the Pius X journalism staff attended the 2023 Nebraska High School Press Association fall journalism convention on Monday, Oct. 16.

They began by meeting together at the Nebraska Union building, where they listened to keynote speaker Matthew Hansen, editor of Flatwater Free Press, share about the impact that journalism has on the world.

“You can change things as a reporter,” Hansen said. “You can change things as a broadcaster.”

When Hansen’s speech concluded, various awards were given out. Pius X yearbook received a Cornhusker Award of the 2022-23 Thunderer yearbook.

Then the students were given the opportunity to attend four breakout sessions which covered a variety of topics including podcasting, career opportunities and photography.

Pius Xchange staff writer junior Easton Beekman was able to attend the Career Talk session, discussing a future in journalism.

“My favorite part was the talk with Alex Fernando because he was a really relatable person and he dove deep into what was available to us students,” Beekman said.

Pius Xchange staff writer senior Libby Schinstock enjoyed the session about creating podcasts. In this session, the attendees were able to create a story using Adobe Audition and their creativity.

“I enjoyed getting to see how people professionally create a podcast and getting to understand how Adobe Audition works,” Schinstock said.

Overall, the Pius X students who attended felt that they had learned something.

“I loved getting to learn more about the subject that I enjoy most, but in a college setting,” Schinstock said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Cassie Schlautman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Cassie Schlautman

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