Future Healthcare Leaders learn to “Stop the Bleed”

Future Healthcare Leaders Club hosted a Stop the Bleed event with representatives from Bryan Hospital on Dec. 7.

These representatives gave a presentation about how to help in emergency medical situations, specifically how to stop someone from bleeding.

“They gave us a lot of hands-on experience,” senior Clairvaux Villa said. “They had dummies with different examples of wounds, and you would learn how to apply gauze and stop the bleeding in different ways.”

Club members also learned how to use a tourniquet which stops blood flow to the area where it is applied. They practiced on both fake dummies and other club members.

“Clair and I were practicing putting it on each other and it stops blood flow, so my entire arm went numb,” senior Lillian Wesely said. “When I took it off, I felt all of the blood rush back to my arm.”

Thanks to the Stop the Bleed event, club members including Villa are more prepared to handle a life-threatening situation.

“I’m glad that I got the chance to learn how I would handle a situation like that,” Villa said. “With stuff like this we can learn the basic steps of how we could potentially save somebody who otherwise wouldn’t have a way of surviving.”

Future Healthcare Leaders Club meets every other Thursday morning at 7:20 and prospective members just have to show up to join.

“It’s really fun and we do a lot of different things,” Villa said. “They really want us to learn and be prepared for our future so you should join.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Cassie Schlautman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Theresa Springer

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