Engineering class builds and tests robots

Engineering II started building robots two weeks ago and started testing them last Friday, April 26.

First, the students started out on their own and then were put into groups of three.

“At first it was hard to divide up the group work equally,” junior Maddie Stokes said. “But we all learned how to work together.”

Once the class finished building their robots, they were put under a series of tests designed by teacher Russ Hitz.

One of the tests entailed many solo cups placed on the ground. The goal was to get the robots around all the cups as fast as possible without knocking anything over.

“We got three chances to go through the course while our teacher timed us to get our best time for the course,” senior Amanda Gutierrez said.

Soon the students will move on to making the robots play soccer and even racing against each other.

“The overall experience of just getting to build them and testing the robots was super fun too,” Stokes said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Roxie Prunty

Staff Writer

Photographer: Roxie Prunty

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