CPW classes learn about Catholic Social Service’s impact in the community

Presenters from Catholic Social Services visited College Prep Writing classes at Pius X to explain what they do for our community and the relocation program.

The presentation was given by Katie Batenhorst and Rachel Tvrdy, who have been staff members of Catholic Social Services for several years now.

“Our vision is to inspire hope in every encounter,” Tvrdy said.

The speakers presented what Catholic Social Services is and what they do for the community. They then explained to the classes how the refugee relocation program works. This program helps refugees with housing, food and other basic needs.

“We want to maintain the dignity of all our clients,” Tvrdy said.

The students this year are doing a project to find and serve a need within our community, whether it be at Pius X or in Lincoln. Some of the students’ project ideas include spreading more kindness at Pius X and visiting people in retirement homes.

“I think the welcome project that they presented today will help students to get an idea for their project, and it will help refugees to feel welcomed because students from their new state made a project for them,” senior Addison Olson stated.

Students in College Prep Writing class enjoyed having the speakers there. These students learned how helping in our community, even with the small things, makes a big difference. Catholic Social Services makes the refugees feel welcome and safe by providing them cultural items and foods when they arrive.

“It’s really neat that CSS caters to the culture of their clients,” Olson said.

Through this presentation, students are learning valuable skills to know how they can help in the community.

“This project inspired me to think about those in need and spread awareness about the cause,” senior Brie Baumfalk said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Libby Schinstock

Staff Writer

Photographer: Libby Schinstock

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