Choir holds first concert of school year

“I am glad, all day long, for the gift of the song.”

This was the opening line to Sotto Voce’s performance at their choir concert Sunday evening.

Todd Krier, one of the directors for the music department at Pius X, describes the meaning behind this song as thinking beyond singing, and to focus on what are you most thankful for.

“One of Sotto Voce’s songs was called ‘There is a time’, which is a song of hope,” Krier said. “In class, I told my students to reflect on things from their past, but also to know that the past has made them stronger. Also, most importantly to know that there is always strength in what remains.”

Sotto Voce dedicated that song to anyone who has lost someone important in their lives. They believe that even though our loved ones are gone, they still have left us with something stronger.

“My number one goal for the concert was to truly make music and touch people’s hearts through the beauty and artistry of music,” Krier said. “I wanted the students to sing from their heart, not by heart, and not just singing memorized music.”

Senior Matthew Brown has been involved with the choir department for four years, including joining many quartets.

“All are welcome to the choir department; we really are like a family,” Brown said. “If you have a passion for music, don’t be hesitant to join.”

Senior Kailah Ta has also been involved with the choir department for four years. She has enjoyed seeing the beginning stages of everyone’s experience in class so far this school year and is looking forward to seeing her peer’s growth.

“The choir department has been like a second family to me,” Ta said. “I know that I can go to anyone, and they will welcome me with open arms.”

Every song that was chosen for the concert tied together through the theme of faith, hope and love. In preparation for the concert, the choirs reflected on what the theme of these songs meant to them and how they can be thankful for each one.

As it is said in Ephesians 5:19, “Sing and make melody to the Lord with your heart.”

Just as the choirs sang, be glad all day long, for the gift of the song.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Grace Scholtes

Staff Writer

Photographer: Grace Scholtes

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