Cheer team wins state championship

The Pius X cheer team won first place at State on Feb. 18.

This win didn’t come easily, the girls have been practicing since October, practicing for three hours two times a week.

“There has been a lot of hours put into our practices,” freshman Caylee Schlautman said. “There’s been sweat, tears, and determination.”

Each competition leading up to State, the girls improved in their routine and in their mentality.

“We did journals every practice to improve our mental health to make sure we were doing the best we could physically and mentally,” junior Izzy Hobelman said.

Their hard work paid off on the day of State, taking the trophy for first place for Class A Traditional Cheer.

“My first thought when we won State was that this was surreal,” senior Sandra Awin said. “I couldn’t believe it. I was in shock and I was just so happy for everyone being able to experience something so amazing.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Cassie Schlautman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Cassie Schlautman

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