Basketball team sells jerseys during homecoming week

Members of the Pius X boys basketball team sold past uniforms during the 2024 homecoming week.

Head boys basketball coach Adam Brill, along with multiple players, spent their Thursday and Friday lunches posted up in the commons next to clothing racks.

“We were selling old varsity and junior varsity uniform tops and shorts that are out of the rotation,” Brill said.

Jerseys could be bought for $20 and shorts for $10.

“It is good that we are selling them,” senior Cole Randall said. “They are in great condition and just aren’t getting the love and use they deserve.”

All clothes were previously worn by players before being refurbished and turned over to be sold.

“We had options of yellow, green and white jerseys or shorts,” senior Michael Haith said.

This sale marks the first one in four years, sales are not annual due to Pius X’s jersey plan.

“The basketball team gets new jerseys every two years,” assistant athletic director Brian Spicka said. “The jerseys that players have the longest are the ones that are replaced and cycled out.”

Another reason the sale is not annual is due to the supply.

“We usually try to have the sale whenever the stock builds up or there’s a vast selection,” Spicka said.

All proceeds from the sales come full circle, going back to the sports budget and into funding for the team.

“That profit might be turned into shooting shirts, team dinners, fall league supplies or open gym prizes,” Brill said. “You name it and it’s going back to the boys basketball program.”

Since the sale is not annual there is no set date, but Brill believes homecoming week was great timing.

“Homecoming is a week with a lot of school spirit, and we want to get students wearing Pius gear,” Brill said. “The more Pius related clothes that can spark spirit for the students, the better.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Easton Beekman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Easton Beekman

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