Px Libris works to keep library nice

The Px Libris Library Club is made up of a group of students who all share a common interest in reading. They work to keep the library updated and clean.

The club meets about once a month on Tuesdays with Erin Willis, the Pius X librarian and club sponsor. If interested in joining the club, students can talk to Willis or simply show up to a meeting.

The club works together to pick out new books to add to the library catalogue, weed out outdated books, shelving, book stamping, painting the library, and keeping it clean.

Freshman Cate Dolezal found out about the club at freshman orientation and later joined the group. She does a variety of different tasks to help out in the library.

“Just yesterday I was helping out the new books that were getting in,” Dolezal said.

The club is casual and a low time commitment. The club members show up when they can.

There are also service days where members can help in the library to complete service hours.

Sophomore Erin Rengan used to work as a library assistant and was told about the group by Willis. She helps with going over books and making recommendations.

“I love promoting reading, hearing about new books, and the snacks,” Rengan said.

Junior Katie Villa has been a member of the club since it started at Pius X.

“It is really fun to be with other people who like to read and are interested in books and hear new recommendations from them,” Villa said. “This group is a great way meet to new people who like books and have similar interests as you.”

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