Mary’s Meals raises money for children of Zambia

AP Human Geography class held their Mary’s Meals fundraiser March 14-18.

The funds were raised via a t-shirt sale, with the proceeds going to feed starving school children in Zambia.

“Mary’s Meals is an organization started by a Scottish man during the Balkan Wars to feed the kids who were suffering from hunger,” APHUG teacher Shiela Sievert said. “It has grown into students in school feeding students in schools who are suffering with hunger.”

The sale was held because Sievert felt that it is a moral obligation to make sure every child is fed.

“I also thought that it was a good thing to have the kids do for Lent,” Sievert said. “It also makes sense because for only $20 dollars, you can feed a child for a whole year.”

This year’s sale was the first to be held at Pius X. Everything was also done by students.

The t-shirts were $10 and could be bought one for $10 or two for $20.

“We wanted the shirts to be affordable and give students an incentive to buy more, “Sievert said “We advertised buying two shirts instead of just one.”

The sale was all organized by the APHUG students under Sievert, with them taking initiative and having to put in the effort.

“I was the spokesperson, that means I did all the announcements for the advertising, as well as organizing the days,” sophomore Gianna Urbauer said.

The students’ tasks ranged from advertising for the drive, to designing the shirts and reaching out to generous donors.

“Working on the ads was pretty fun and it wasn’t too difficult,” sophomore Brody Schnieders said. “I really wanted to get all our info and key points across. I wanted to strongly emphasize how little it costs to provide meals for an entire year.”

The shirts were a hit, with them being sold out almost right away.

“Since we sold out right away and had to restock, we will have a t-shirt day,” Sievert said. “Hopefully wearing the shirt is a reminder of our duty to share with those who have less.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Easton Beekman

Staff Writer

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