Machine Woodworking class builds night stands

Don McKee’s Machine Woodworking class is working on building different types of nightstands throughout the course of the year.

“We usually work on the project four out of five days of the week,” Senior Alex Wehling said.

The students work on the projects in different groups and each group works on something different.

“It really depends on what kind of machine you are using, but we work in groups of six to seven most of the time”, Senior Noah Strizek said.

The students shared a typical day in Machine Woodworking.

“We come to class and Mr. McKee talks for a while and then we figure out what we are going to do for the day, and then we go off into our groups and work”, Wehling said.

“I like this class a lot because there’s just a good environment and it’s a good life skill to have. We also get no homework most of the time so that’s fun too”, Strizek said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Christiona Koenig

Staff Writer

Photographer: Christiona Koenig

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