Smash Bros club welcomes new members

Super Smash Brothers club is a small club that meets weekly to hang out, get better, and hold tournaments in Smash Bros.

“The purpose of Smash Brothers club is to come have fun and hang out,” sponsor Fr. Samuel Beardslee said.

Smash Bros club meets every Thursday in room 1103.

“I joined Smash Bros club because I love the game, consider myself pretty good, and enjoy playing against good opponents,” senior Jacob Bellmyer said.

A majority of the students named Jacob as the best player

“To join Smash Bros club, just show up and play,” Beardslee said.

Many older students have very fond memories of this club.

“My favorite memory has got to be when me and my friend, the underdogs, won a doubles tournament and then when I went on to win a singles tournament,” senior Kadin Tran said.

Smash Bros club holds lots of small tournaments and a few big ones later on in the year.

“My favorite fighter has got to be Lucas and I enjoy playing on Pirate Ship,” Beardslee said.

Smash Bros has many diverse and unique characters and stages to play.

“I definitely main Greninja and love to play Omega,” Bellmyer said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Easton Beekman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Easton Beekman

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