
Annual retreats have many benefits for the one who aims to grow in holiness and offer a strong opportunity for spiritual formation. We must step away from the busyness of our daily lives and pause to listen to God’s voice.

Important Dates

  • May 1, 2024 – Retreat Registration Opens (One retreat only; first come, first serve )
  • Aug. 31 – Deadline to sign-up for first retreat
  • Sept. 15 – Students can sign up for extra retreats if spots are still available
  • May 1, 2025 – Deadline to complete retreat

Retreats have so much potential to completely change your life. The goal of a retreat is to allow you to encounter Christ in some way that you haven’t before. I have been on countless retreats and I continue to be amazed at the depths that Jesus is calling my heart to. I have felt Jesus’s presence in a profound way during adoration at these retreats during my time at Pius. These retreats can serve as a beginning, restart or affirmation to the holiness that all of us are called to.

2024-25 Retreats from Pius X

Freshman Retreat

All incoming freshmen are required to attend either of the day-long Freshman Retreats at St. Michael’s Catholic Church (9101 S 78th St.). They will not sign up for their retreat date until June. An email will be sent to the parents of incoming freshmen at that time. Freshmen – and all other grades levels – are able to register for additional retreats (if space allows) starting Sept. 1.

About this Retreat

Mandatory for incoming freshmen. Select date that works best for you.  Aims to ignite relationship with Jesus as well as with future classmates. Students will be introduced to how the faith life happens here at Pius. They will get a taste of what Restore looks like and will have Pius alum speakers give some encouragement on how to live out the faith in real ways.

Day-long Retreats

Female Athlete Retreat

50 Spots 
Monday, Aug. 5
@ Christ the King Sister Convent (4100 SW 56th St.)
Transportation? No

About the Female Athlete Retreat

The athlete retreat is aimed to set up the athletes and their teams on how faith and sports go hand in hand. There will be some fun competitions and talks from former athletes. Learning how to incorporate the faith into your sport in practical ways will be a huge part of this retreat.

Male Athlete Retreat

Monday, Aug. 5
@ St. Gregory the Great Seminary
Transportation? Yes

About the Male Athlete Retreat

The athlete retreat is aimed to set up the athletes and their teams on how faith and sports go hand in hand. There will be some fun competitions and talks from former athletes. Learning how to incorporate the faith into your sport in practical ways will be a huge part of this retreat.

Win Retreat

FULL                                                                                   Saturday, Oct. 19
@ Camp Kateri
Transportation? Yes

About the Win Retreat

The Win Retreat will provide that beginning encounter with Jesus that many students have not experienced yet. We want this retreat to be fun and exciting so that these kids can see that the Catholic faith is more than a textbook. There will be activities, inspiring talks, adoration, and much more that will help them to encounter Jesus in a real way.

Win Retreat

Saturday, March 22
@ Camp Kateri
Transportation? Yes

About the Win Retreat

The Win Retreat will provide that beginning encounter with Jesus that many students have not experienced yet. We want this retreat to be fun and exciting so that these kids can see that the Catholic faith is more than a textbook. There will be activities, inspiring talks, adoration, and much more that will help them to encounter Jesus in a real way.

Senior Retreat

150 spots
Friday, April 25
@ UNL Newman Center (320 N 16th St.)
Transportation? No

About the Senior Retreat

Just for seniors (not required by all seniors) to hear and experience ways to live out the faith in college before they graduate. They will have a chance to be at the UNL Newman Center and choose to go to various breakout sessions that will help them with their faith in college.

Overnight Retreats

Fall Retreat

Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 9-10
Camp Kitaki (14917 E Park Hwy, Louisville, Neb.)
Transportation? Yes

About the Fall Retreat

The Fall Retreat has been an iconic Pius retreat. This retreat was the first and only overnight retreat for Pius which is why it has been so popular. There are many opportunities here to encounter the Lord- talks, discussions, late-night talks, adoration and overall community.

Women’s/Men’s Retreat

65 spots
Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 7-8
Camp Joy Holling (27416 Ranch Rd, Ashland)
Transportation? Yes

About the Women's/Men's Retreat

This retreat is focused on helping the boys grow in masculinity and for the girls to grow in femininity. They will be split up (boys and girls) for talks and activities. There is a lot of value with them being split up but also they will be coming together for discussions/Mass/Adoration/panel/etc. so that they can grow together as well.

Men’s Silent Retreat


Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 18-19
Camp Kateri (1305 Rd 3, McCool Junction)
Transportation? Yes

About the Men's Silent Retreat

For those who are desiring something deeper, this retreat is for you! This won’t be the hype, energetic, retreat that many people are used to. It will be a real chance for kids to dive deep into their faith by spending time in silence, reflection, and personal prayer. There will be talks to guide them in their reflection and a few chances for them to discuss with each other and priests what they are experiencing.

Women’s Silent Retreat

25 spots
Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 18-19
Our Lady of Good Counsel (7303 N. 112th St., Waverly)
Transportation? No

About the Women's Silent Retreat

For those who are desiring something deeper, this retreat is for you! This won’t be the hype, energetic, retreat that many people are used to. It will be a real chance for kids to dive deep into their faith by spending time in silence, reflection, and personal prayer. There will be talks to guide them in their reflection and a few chances for them to discuss with each other and priests what they are experiencing.

Women’s/Men’s Retreat

65 spots
Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 15-16
Camp Joy Holling (27416 Ranch Rd, Ashland)
Transportation? Yes

About the Women's / Men's Retreat

This retreat is focused on helping the boys grow in masculinity and for the girls to grow in femininity. They will be split up (boys and girls) for talks and activities. There is a lot of value with them being split up but also they will be coming together for discussions/Mass/Adoration/panel/etc. so that they can grow together as well.

Spring Retreat

Friday-Saturday, April 4-5
Camp Kitaki (14917 E Park Hwy, Louisville, Neb.)
Transportation? Yes

About the Spring Retreat

The Spring retreat will be the same thing as the Fall Retreat, just different speakers! Because the Fall Retreat is so popular, we want to have a ‘second fall retreat option’. This one will also be a ton of fun!!!


How do I sign up? 

Simply go to the Pius website. Underneath the ‘Faith’ tab, you will find all the retreat options as well as videos that explain what each retreat is and what you can expect on the retreat.

When do I sign up?

You can sign up beginning May 1st at 6:00pm! Retreats will stay open until August 31st . After August 31st, sign-ups will be closed. September 15th, sign-ups will reopen in case anyone would like to sign up for another retreat!

How do I know which retreat is right for me?

A great question!  It is important to choose one that will help you to grow in your faith wherever you are at. We have an option for everyone so read the descriptions to see which one would benefit you in your faith journey.

Will the retreats fill up?  How do I know how many can sign up?

There are limited spots for each retreat which will be noted on the website. If it fills up, you will no longer be able to access the retreat and will need to sign up for another one.

What do I do if the retreat I want is full?

If the retreat you want to be on is full, please put your name on the waitlist for that retreat. But, PLEASE still make sure you are signed up for another retreat so that you will FOR SURE have a retreat to be on.

What exactly is a silent retreat?

A silent retreat is geared at helping students to listening and discerning God’s voice. There will be talks and times of silent reflection. You can also schedule a time to meet with one of the priests there. There are scheduled events and times where students can talk to each other.

What about the diocesan retreats?  Do those fulfill the retreat requirements?

Diocesan retreats still make the requirement this year. We are eager about our new retreat plan and are hopeful that all Pius kids will experience one of the Pius retreats.

What if I want to do more than one retreat?

Sign up for one retreat now so that we can get all the kids signed up. If you are interested in more, come and talk to us! There are so many great options at Pius and the Diocese. Our goal is that these retreats offered by Pius will lead you to encounter Jesus in a personal way that you desire more of it and continue to go on more retreats!

How much do these retreats cost?

All Pius retreats are free!!

How will I get to the retreat?

We will communicate details before each retreat. Some retreats will have busses to take all students while other retreats are nearby, and you will be responsible for getting yourself there. Check website for any questions!

What happens if my plans change and I can no longer do the retreat I signed up for?

If you need to switch the original retreat you signed up for, email Scotty ( We will take you off the list for that retreat and will look at which retreats still have remaining spots. It is important for you to make sure you have no conflicts otherwise you might end up on a retreat that was not a preference.

What about Diocesan Retreats?

These retreat signups will be available at a later date. For now, please signup for a Pius retreat so you for sure have a spot saved.

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