Eucharistic Adoration
All are welcome to spend time with Jesus for Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel at Pius X High School. Jesus is present in Monstrance every Tuesday and the first Friday of every month, provided school is in session.
Below, students, a parent and a staff member offer their thoughts on the value they find in Eucharistic Adoration.
Jim Bertrand, teacher
For the past five years on Wednesdays I have brought my classes down for adoration the last 7-8 minutes of class. At the end of the year, many of them remarked to me that this was a highlight of their week because it was the only time during the week when they could be still and really nurture their relationship with God. Is there anything else more important than that?
Colleen Michels
Spending time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration is so vital to my life as a Catholic Christian woman. I bring to Jesus my praise and thank Him for countless blessings in my life. I bring to him my shortcomings, faults, and fears, and He always patiently listens. I talk to Him about the joys in my life. Something I learned at a Eucharistic Adoration retreat last summer was how important it is to read, reflect upon, and listen to God’s holy Word in His presence. Without life’s distractions getting in my way, I have truly heard Him speak to me in the silence of my heart. It is amazing how Jesus brings answers to life’s questions. He brings His consolation and His love. He blesses me with renewed hope, strength, and peace. Eucharistic Adoration is a life-changer!
Hannah Johnson, Class of 2018
First, I have to say that it is such a blessing to have Eucharist Adoration at Pius. Having Jesus in the building with us is such a blessing that many people don’t get to have, and what I will miss so much next year!
Second, Having Eucharistic Adoration helped me get through some of the hardest days, even if I couldn’t go into the chapel right then, walking by the chapel and seeing Jesus in the monstrance always gave me the reminder that I’m not alone and Jesus is with me always.
Going into the chapel is what I looked forward to everyday. Sitting in the presence of Jesus was always so peaceful and needed.
Eucharistic Adoration is where I really got to know Jesus and where I really developed a true relationship with him! Through Eucharistic Adoration I realized that he is a true friend and He is always there for me no matter what is going on in my life!
Without Eucharistic Adoration I don’t know where I would be now but I am so thankful Pius gave me this opportunity to grow so deeply in my faith!
God Bless.
Yen Cao, parent
Eucharistic Adoration is so crucial to have especially at Pius X because adoration give me, students and staffs a chance to build a relationship with Our Lord. I enjoyed my time at adoration because it’s an excuse for me to take a break from the “craziness “ of everyday activities. It’s a time for me to come to the Lord and share with Him what is on my mind and in my heart. It’s an opportunities to thank Our Lord for the many blessing and graces our family received. Without attending adoration, I felt empty and incomplete and I yearn to be with Him. Especially when life thrown a curve ball in our life. I need to be with Our Lord to see Him and just talked to Him. Being infront of Our Lord at Adoration I can feel His embrace and sense His Presence. Knowing I have a shoulder to cried on when I need Him the most it’s very conforting and peaceful. Thank you for giving me the opportunities to be with Our Lord. Its great and encouraging to see our children attending Pius X to take up the opportunities to build their relationship with the Lord by visiting the chapel as well. I feel that when the students see parents and teachers taking times out of their busy schedule to be presence in front of Our Lord. I prayed and hope that they too will learn they can do the same with their busy schedule and start building their relationship with the Lord.
Tyler Johnson, Class of 2018
“Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to heaven.” Pope St. Pius X, who was deemed the “Pope of the Blessed Sacrament,” is remembered partly for his emphasis on devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
Personally, I have a particular devotion to St. Pius X who is my confirmation saint as well as the identity of the high school in which I truly found my faith. Indeed, it is no mere coincidence that my love and devotion for Our Eucharistic Lord grew immensely while I was at Pius X.
Particularly during my senior year, I began to spend time in the chapel each day. Most days, I would pray the Rosary or on Wednesday’s and First Friday’s, I would pray in front of our Eucharistic Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. However, it took much time for me to truly grasp Christ’s eternal presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
I recall a sermon by His Excellency, Bishop Conley, in which he said: (I’m paraphrasing) “Most vocations to the priesthood and religious life are found before the Blessed Sacrament.” This one caught my attention at the time and has stuck with me ever since because it was only recently that I even considered what God might be calling me to. Before my senior year, the consideration of me becoming a priest would have been comparable to an episode of the Twilight Zone. In all honesty this was the reality as I think it is for many young men in our perverse world today that profanes the sacred and glorifies the secular. This is why it is still mind blowing to me that I find myself discerning this very reality of the priesthood today. The Eucharist is so powerful and if one devotes enough time to the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lord will show him/her what His plan is for them as He is certainly doing for me.
If one were to ask why s/he should spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, I would simply leave them with this: “Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and most helpful to us.” -St. Alphonsus Liguori