Aubree Nguyen


Parents: Thippy & Tuan Nguyen
School(s) attended K-8: Blessed Sacrament School
Favorite place on campus: I enjoyed the being on the Aldrich Field because I love being outdoors, and football games were held there.
Activities at Pius X: Pius X Cheer
What is/was your favorite class at Pius X, and why? My favorite class would be ceramics. Mrs. Wallish was always so encouraging to be more creative on my ceramic projects, and just working with clay and getting to make whatever you want and seeing the end result was always satisfying.
How has your faith impacted your education, or how has your education impacted your faith? Taking Theology classes really has helped answered my questions about my faith and has helped me grow closer to God.
What are you most proud of about your time at Pius X? Something I’m most proud about being at Pius is the amount of friends I’ve made, including teachers and staff. Also how much the teachers impacted on my education.
Where are your plans after high school (college, military, job, etc.)? What do you plan to study? My plans after high school is to attend UNL and study interior design.
Aubree Nguyen
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