Lillian Johnson


Parents: Justin and Amy Johnson
School(s) attended K-8: St. Teresa
Favorite place on campus: The Chapel! What better way to spend my off periods than with Jesus? Taking time for my own spiritual life is incredibly important for my mental health as well as my academic career.
Activities at Pius X: Pius Players (in cast and leadership), Sotto Voce (and 5 other choirs over the years), Spectrum Show Choir, AcaBellas, Jazz Band (vocalist), Campus Ministry, NHS
What is/was your favorite class at Pius X, and why? I can’t choose! But here’s some good ones that have definitely driven me to my college and career choices: AP Calculus with Mrs. Sieck: I love calculus way too much, but this class specifically was just really good for me. Math has always been my favorite subject, especially calc as I’ve come to know, and Mrs. Sieck is such an amazing teacher and person. Accounting I, II, and III (Mr. Moore and Mr. Zach): I took it at first to complete my life skill requirement, but I also loved it way too much, so I stayed on that path, eventually leading me to my choice of a business major and future career. Spanish (Martinez, Napier, Bonkiewicz, Hayes): I did not realize how much I’d love Spanish when I started taking it, but I’m so happy I did! I can’t choose a favorite year, but Spanish II with Maestra Napier was definitely the class I improved the most in! I also love when Maestra Bonk and Maestra Hayes tell stories from their life in Spanish; it’s both entertaining and helpful for translating practice.
How has your faith impacted your education, or how has your education impacted your faith? I love being in a Catholic school! God is the most important part of my life, and receiving Catholic education allows me to grow spiritually and academically hand-in-hand. This year especially, I have learned that my spiritual life is so impactful to my education. If I am stressed out about a class, confused on homework, or just overloaded with work, I give it all to God and He guides me to success. Relying on the saints is also important (St. Matthew is the patron of accountants!), and I love my daily chapel visits that bring me peace and unexplainable happiness.
What are you most proud of about your time at Pius X? I am most proud of my growth in spiritual strength, leadership, and academic integrity all hand-in-hand. I have always been a high-achiever and hold myself to that standard, but my time at Pius has taught me how to balance my busy lifestyle in a healthy manner. Externally, I’m still doing all of the activities and types of classes I have in the past, but internally I am focused and trusting in God to lead me where He wants me to be. I am also proud of my role in the theatre department. I cannot express the love I have in serving Pius Players as President. High school theatre is truly the best atmosphere for the performing arts, and I am so thankful for the opportunities I had to perform my best onstage (although I just happened to always be the obnoxious, villainous character), and I am so proud of our department’s commitment to reclaiming the arts!
Where are your plans after high school (college, military, job, etc.)? What do you plan to study? I will be majoring in Business Administration at UNL next year to decide whether I want to pursue Accounting or Management. I will also have minors in Spanish and Vocal Music. I will still often be found spending my downtime with Jesus at the Newman Center, and I hope to be involved in music there as well as in the Catholic sorority Pi Alpha Chi. I also plan to audition for University Singers (shocker :)
Lillian Johnson
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