Emma Easley


Parents: Tiffany and Ed Easley
School(s) attended K-8: St. Peter’s
Favorite place on campus: The LPAC, because I always eat lunch with my friends there. The chapel, because it’s so peaceful.
Activities at Pius X: Soccer, basketball, baking club ambassadors, SOADA club, NHS
What is/was your favorite class at Pius X, and why? Theology with Fr. Wylie, because we had a lot of great discussions.
How has your faith impacted your education, or how has your education impacted your faith? Being able to learn and about our faith in theology classes and having the opportunities to go to mass during school has helped impact my faith. The retreats provided by our school also have been so impactful.
What are you most proud of about your time at Pius X? Making state for soccer junior year.
Where are your plans after high school (college, military, job, etc.)? What do you plan to study? I’m going to UNL to major in pre-heath.
Emma Easley
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