Scholarships for Pius X High School
All families are strongly encouraged to complete the scholarship application process. The same application is used for the Pius X Scholarships and the Good Shepherd Scholarship. Both the Pius X Scholarships and the Good Shepherd Scholarship use FACTS for the application process. Simply select both applications during the application process.
Thanks to the generosity of many donors, more than $1,015,000 in scholarships and tuition assistance (from Pius X Foundation, the Lincoln Diocese, and parishes) are being awarded during the 2024-25 school year. In addition to the tuition subsidy that brings tuition and fees to less than half of the actual cost per student, 690+ students are also receiving scholarships to further reduce their educational expenses.
Apply for the Good Shepherd Scholarship by March 31. The annual priority deadline to apply for Pius X Foundation scholarships is May 31. There are two other review times each year. If a family’s financial situation has changed after that date, or if a family situation has changed, an application can be submitted at any time.
Please note that in a circumstance where tuition is split between parent/guardians, financial aid will be considered only for those who complete the FACTS scholarship application. Scholarship recipients are notified in July.
Questions about applying for tuition assistance? Click here to send an email or call 402-488-1046.
Establishing a Scholarship
Establishment of a Named Scholarship gives you the opportunity to honor and remember loved ones while actively supported Pius X’s quality, Catholic education. Once a Named Scholarship is created (with a minimum commitment of $15,000), the funds are invested in the Foundation’s endowment with the income from the investment being used to help pay a portion of students’ tuition. Named scholarships last forever and serve as a permanent memorial. This means you can financially assist current as well as future students for many years to come. As the scholarship balance increases, so does the amount of aid students receive.
You may donate to any established named scholarship or the Pius X Foundation’s general scholarship fund by using our online form or by mailing a check to Pius X. For more information or to establish a named scholarship, please email us or call 402-488-1046.
Newest Scholarships & Funds
Frequently Asked Questions
All families are strongly encouraged to complete the scholarship application process via FACTS.
Applicants fill out ONE application to be eligible for both the Good Shepherd and Pius X scholarships. Simply select “Diocese of Lincoln” and “Pius X” at the beginning of the FACTS application to be considered for the Good Shepherd Scholarship and all Pius X scholarships.
Questions about applying for tuition assistance? Email us or call 402-488-1046.
When is/are the deadlines?
The deadline for the Good Shepherd Scholarship is March 31 and the deadline for the Pius X scholarships is May 31.
Is there a difference in the application process?
The only difference is that the Good Shepherd Scholarship application asks for either the 2023 or 2024 tax return information, while Pius X requires the 2024 tax return information. Pius X will also have some optional, additional questions should you be interested in applying for some of our named scholarships with specific requirements (typically our non-need based scholarships).
How do I apply for a specific scholarship among all the scholarships offered at Pius X?
Generally speaking, applicants do not apply for specific scholarships. Many of our scholarships are strictly financial need-based, so by simply submitting an application in FACTS, you are automatically applying for most of these. There are a few scholarships which require additional criteria (for example, club involvement, a short answer, essay, etc.). To be considered for these, your student needs to answer the additional questions found in the FACTS application. If you are not interested in applying for scholarships which require additional criteria, you may skip this section in your application.
Can my family earn scholarship money from both the Good Shepherd Scholarship and Pius X?
Yes, it is possible to receive a scholarship from both.