Machine Contest a page-turner for physics students

Students in AP Physics (PACE) and Accelerated Physics participated in last night’s 29th annual Pius X Machine Contest. Teams of students built machines with at least 20 different steps that would TURN A PAGE OF A BOOK. The teams were judged on their ingenuity and on whether their machine successfully completed the task.

This year’s winning teams are:

1st Place: The STEM Princesses (Theme: “Disney Princesses”) – Stephanie Heimbrecht, Sarah Lang, Amy Nguyen, Madison Westbrook (Pictured)

2nd Place: Planck’s Constants (Theme: “Sports”) – Jack Aldridge, Matt Bohy, Luke Nebel, Sam Spicka

3rd Place: The Monkeys (Theme: “Jungle”) – Ethan Behne, Sean Carney, Tyler Diedrichsen, Paul Ruder, Samy Springer

Judges’ Choice: Endless Pastabilities (Theme: “A Taste of Italy”) – Dominic Koperski, Connor Theisen, Hannah Tlamka, Simon Willis

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