Meeting information for Junior students and families

School counselors at Pius X meet with each family in the junior class starting Jan. 13 until Jan. 28. Counselors will discuss potential future school, college and career options for the student.

Families may begin scheduling Junior/Parent/Counselor Meetings on Thursday, Jan. 2nd at 6pm. Schedule your appointment at

For meetings during regular school hours, parents can park in the east lot in visitor parking or in front of building if no visitor spots are available. Then enter through the main school doors (#1). For meetings at or after 4pm, park in west lot and enter through door #3 (closest to the parking lot).


All juniors have a Naviance login and should complete the Career Cluster Finder, Career Interest Profiler found under Self-Discovery and the Game Plan survey in Naviance. It is located in the About Me section. If the student does not remember the Naviance login or password, please stop by the Counseling Center.

Using Pickatime

Parents/students who have previously registered with Pickatime for conferences, may login for Junior Interviews with the same email address and password. This is NOT your PowerSchool password. It is a password you previously chose specifically for Pickatime. Select the Pickatime hyperlink above to be directed to the Pickatime website, sign in and choose a Junior Interview slot. See Scheduling directions below.

Parents/students who have NOT used Pickatime to schedule conferences will need to register before scheduling a junior meeting. Select the Pickatime hyperlink above and enter your email address and create a password, this is NOT your PowerSchool password. “Login/Create Account”. Fill in the required fields and register. Proceed to scheduling directions below.

Scheduling directions

  • Choose a date. Once a date is chosen, you will see slots for an entire week.
  • Click on the date and time you would like to select for the Junior/Parent Meeting.
  • Choose when you would like an email reminder.
  • Click on “Create Appointment”. You will receive an “Appointment Confirmed” screen.
  • If you would like a printout of the appointment, select print. Otherwise return and logout.

If you need to change your appointment, you can log in with your email and password to modify or cancel. If you have any questions or problems, contact the Counseling Center @ 402-488-0931 during regular school hours or email Sandy Hartman

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