Steve H. Grosserode Scholarship in Memory of Marcella Grosserode

Steve and Marcella Grosserode were married on June 10, 1947. Prior to meeting Steve, Marcella attended Creighton University School of Nursing in Omaha, Neb. and graduated in 1944. She then went to the Army Nurse Corp. and was stationed in Guam and Saipan for a year before returning home. Marcella settled into married life and stayed at home with their children until they left home.

“Marcella was a great, devoted mother,” remarked Steve. “She specialized in pediatrics and that training really paid off when we had children of our own.”

Marcella later worked in the family business as an office manager for their cattle feeding operation in Milford, Neb.

Originally from Tilden, Neb., Steve did not have the opportunity to go to a Catholic school. Marcella, however, attended a Catholic school in West Point, Neb. Early on, both Steve and Marcella knew that they wanted their own children to have a Catholic education. Three of their children attended Pius X High School, where they received an excellent education. Steve is so happy that his children attended Pius X, which he feels laid the foundation for their future.

“I am so proud of my children,” commented Steve. “They all attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln after Pius X and pursued professional careers. All three are good, practicing Catholics today.”

Their oldest daughter, Mary, graduated from Pius X in 1967 and became a teacher. She taught for 28 years and is now retired and lives in Bellevue, Neb. Their other daughter, Patricia, graduated in 1969. She became a pharmacist and worked outside of the home until she had children. She now lives in Omaha, Neb. Their son, Robert, graduated in 1972 and became an ophthalmologist in Antioch, Calif., where he still practices today.

Excerpts from student thank you letters

“It is an honor to be chosen for the Steve H. Grosserode Scholarship! I am currently a first-year student at Pius X. My favorite school subjects are literature and history. History is one of my favorite subjects because I really like how we can step back in time and learn from the people who walked before us. It also helps us better understand and cherish culture. While literature helps us learn to appreciate words and how impactful they can be!

….After graduation, I plan to earn a degree in nursing and eventually become a travel nurse. Travel nurses have always really caught my eye. They are really the same thing as regular nurses except that they are constantly on the move to help with shortages of nurses. A cousin of mine is a travel nurse herself and that is very inspiring to me…This scholarship will really help my family…Thank you so much for your support!”

– Scholarship recipient of the Steve H. Grosserode Scholarship in Memory of Marcella Grosserode

“I would like to say thank you for the opportunity to receive this scholarship in your family’s name. This means so much to mean and my family and we are extremely grateful for that.

My family has been through a lot these past seven months. Four days before Christmas, my dad was in the operating room [having a major surgery]. Luckily, my dad got to come home after two days in the hospital, just in time for Christmas, but things haven’t been the same since. He is on many medications, has some speech impairments and a difficult time remembering things, and was forced into early ‘retirement’ due to his memory and vision loss. Lately, there has been a lot of stress on my family, especially on my mom, who has had to pick up more shifts at the hospital to keep up with our family, and then come home, maintaining her nurse responsibilities with my dad and us kids. I know this scholarship will help relieve some of that stress placed on my parents, for which I am very grateful….

I appreciate the opportunity this scholarship provides to continue my education and extra curriculars at Pius. I love the ability to have a Catholic education and grow in my faith alongside my friends. My favorite class would have to be theology because of that, but I also love my math and science classes. Because of my love for math and science, I hope to study one or both of those subjects in college. I believe Pius will help me enter college with a strong foundation in both my spiritual life and academic studies, for which this scholarship will be most beneficial.”

– Scholarship recipient of the Steve H. Grosserode Scholarship in Memory of Marcella Grosserode

steve grosserode
Fund Purpose/Criteria
Scholarship for all Pius X students
Established in 2007
Students Supported: 125+

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