R. Scott Wickham Memorial Scholarship

Scott Wickham graduated from Pius in 1967 as a football letterman proud of his Thunderbolt team. His passion was photography, and he loved taking pictures of people and nature. He had a knack for making even a simple landscape look absolutely breathtaking. After graduation he attended graphics design school and succeeded in designing a logo for his sister’s company.

Scott’s love and compassion was evident by his love for his nieces and nephews with his frequent gifts and pictures. When the family gathered together, it was always Scott who made sure there were plenty of pictures taken and they were shared with the rest of the family.

Some of Scott’s best memories were of Pius X as he frequented athletic games and other functions, long after he graduated, whenever he was able. He was a loyal friend to all who knew him, a compassionate and loving man and dearly loved by his family.

Due to a heart attack, with complications from diabetes, Scott was returned to our Heavenly Father to be with his mother, Patricia, and brother, Bill, on February 3, 1995 at the young age of 46.

Excerpts from student thank you letters

“I wanted to start out by saying I am so thankful that I was chosen for this scholarship. It means so much to my family and I that there was a big portion taken off my tuition. I have three other siblings that my mom has to take care of and worry about with all of their needs as well. You really helped her out a lot, thank you again so much.

I love attending Pius X High School, I would not have it any other way. I love that I get to the opportunity to learn about my faith every day. I get to talk to God whenever I want, and I just love that. My favorite thing to do in my free time is hang out with my friends and take pictures. When I was reading the biography and learned that Scott loved photography and he would always be the one taking pictures I immediately said to myself, that’s exactly what I do. When I can take the Photography class that Pius offers I sure will, a just have always found an interest for it.

In college I want to go out in the medical field, but I am not sure what exactly I want to be yet, but on the side, I would love to be a photographer. Aside from what I like to do in my free time, my favorite class is algebra. With it being my first year at Pius I was very scared that it would be so hard, but with all the help offered and the way you are taught, it was the best math class I have ever taken, and I really asked myself at the end of the year why I was so scared.

With you help I am going to be entering my Sophomore year at Pius and I am so happy I can’t wait. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Seriously, without your help I wouldn’t be able to attend such an amazing school like Pius. God bless!”

“I would like to say first off, thank you for the scholarship I have been chosen for. My family and I are grateful for having been given this scholarship. I have a family of 11 so any money I get from the school is a blessing. I am the oldest of my eight siblings and I am the only one in Pius. There are five others that go to my parish’s school…

…I have always enjoyed math and since it has come easy to me, most of the time. Right now, I am taking Pre-Calculus and the Accelerated Physics courses…I am in the marching band and have always liked going onto the field to perform. I am in the Symphonic band at Pius and the Men’s choir…a Robotics team was started and I have been part of that club since August. We meet every day after school and will go as late as 11:30pm some nights, but we are normally done at about 5:00-6:00pm most nights. I am also part of archery club and I hold it passionately to heart. I have qualified from State Tournaments to reaching 2 National Tournaments.

Outside of school, I am [in a leadership role] of a group called the Columbian Squires. We are a Catholic organization for the city of Lincoln that is similar to the Knights of Columbus. The group is for boys starting at 10 years old, going up to young men of 18 years old. I am 17 now and I plan on joining the Knights of Columbus before senior year.

Thank you again for this opportunity!”

Wickham Scott
Fund Purpose/Criteria
Scholarship for all Pius X students
Established in 2013
Students Supported: 15+

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