Excerpts from student thank you letters
“Thank you for the generous gift of a scholarship that I received…I will be attending Pius this year as a freshman….
I plan to participate in God teens, the Landscaping Club, and Pius Players. My passion is participating in theater productions, and I hope to be awarded roles in a few shows. Not the lead role but hopefully some important side characters.
One of my favorite subjects is History. I enjoy learning about how people messed up and the huge misunderstandings people had. I am not too sure about what I want to study in college, however, currently I think I either want to be a kindergarten teacher, or a Hematologist. I know these are vastly different directions, and I am hoping the ability to attend a faith-based school will continue to assist in shaping my future goals.
I cannot thank you enough for the tuition assistance. I am the oldest of 5 children. I have 3 siblings enrolled at Cathedral next year, and a 6-month-old brother at home. I am the first child in a third-generation Pius family. My grandfather and both of my parents graduated from Pius. I truly appreciate the gift and am very excited to begin the step in my educational career. Thank you again.”
“I want to thank you for the scholarship to help pay for my education. I will be a sophomore this year. My mom is a single parent and a nurse and she went to Pius X as well…She pays for our education on her own, so getting scholarships really helps us out.
I really liked my freshman year at Pius. I met a lot of new friends and am still friends with kids I grew up with at St. John’s. I played on the football team and had never played tackle before and really enjoyed what I learned and being a part of a team. I am looking forward to playing again this fall. I also was on the track team and threw discus which I had never done before. I liked getting to learn something new.
My favorite subject last year was small engines and I got an A+ which does not come easy in a lot of other subjects. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to taking more technical classes.
I detail and clean cars on the side for work. I have gotten a lot of business by word of mouth and I really enjoy doing it. I bought supplies and equipment on my own so it is like my own little business. I also get paid to do some mowing, and help the widow that lives next door with shoveling and any projects she needs help on.
Thank you again for your generosity. I would not be able to get a Catholic education without your help.”