Glenn E. & Ann J Miller Memorial Scholarship

It has been a few years since a child of Glenn and Ann graced the halls of Pius X High School, but their love and support of the school is something that remains unchanged. Education was always very important to Glenn and Ann and was something they made sure all their children had the benefit of receiving at Pius X and later in college.

Glenn joined his father Cyrus in the grass seed business and helped run the Miller Seed Company in Lincoln from 1941-2005. Glenn and Ann had seven children Mary Ann, Kay, Joe, Peggy, Don, Jim and Tom, five of which attend Pius X.

Ann passed away in December 1997 at the age of 78 and Glenn passed away in August 2005 at the age of 88. After Glenn passed away, their children established an endowed scholarship in their memory to benefit students at Pius X.

Excerpts from student thank you letters

“Thank you! I have been blessed to receive the Glenn & Ann Miller Memorial Scholarship these past years and I could not thank you enough. The scholarship has helped my family pay for my tuition at Pius X High School, but it has also helped my family spend more time together. With the help of the scholarship, my father can spend more time with my family instead of working all the time. In addition, this scholarship has taught me to be more charitable because I want to be able to help people as much as you have helped me. I have been volunteering at Matt Talbot for about three years now and I tutor my fellow classmates in math and English when we are in school.

I cannot wait for school to start up again so I can participate in Landscaping Club again. I have been an active member in Landscaping Club for three years now and I have enjoyed every minute of it. The people in the club, especially Mrs. Miller, have taught me many lessons that I will be taking with me when I go to college….I think that I am going to be going to college at UNL because it will allow me to stay close to my family. In college, I think I will be majoring in marketing. Being able to capture people’s attention has always fascinated me, so I believe that marketing will give me the opportunity to use that fascination.

My family and I cannot express enough how thankful we are that you have allowed me to go to school without the stress of figuring out how to pay for it. Thank you!”


“Thank you so much for your generous donation that helps to make it possible for me to attend Pius! …I have seven younger siblings.

….I enjoy attending Pius because of all the people. The faculty and staff are all supportive and very helpful…If I ever struggled, they were sure to meet with me before or after school so I could succeed. Also, all the students are wonderful. I have met so many amazing kids at Pius, and they make the experience even better. Everyone is so unique and they each bring their own qualities and it makes Pius a great school.

My favorite school subjects are Spanish and Math. I like Spanish because my Dad’s side of the family is Mexican, and growing up, I never learned Spanish. Now, every time I visit them there is a language barrier… Learning Spanish at school is fun for me, and the more I learn, the better I can communicate with my family. I enjoy Math because it is challenging, and most of the time, I enjoy the challenge. No other subject gives me a greater sense of accomplishment as I am going through the homework and understanding it more and more.

I am involved in one club at Pius, Landscaping Club. I really enjoy it; we do a variety of things. Every first Tuesday of the month we volunteer at Matt Talbot Kitchen and help wash the dishes and serve drinks. We also have a little garden where we plant tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, and other plants. We try to keep the garden as nice as possible and we do other things for our school. For Christmas we set up a nativity scene in the chapel and in front of the main office. We also hung wreaths all around the teachers’ doors… For Valentine’s Day, we made little pots for every teacher with flower pens. We raise money for our club by making door signs. Some of us cut out the signs, I help with that, then the rest of the club works on painting them and some of them have glitter on them. I enjoy Landscaping Club because of all the fun we have and the friends we make. I also enjoy it because my family has a garden in our backyard so I have the opportunity to get more practice with plants…

Once again I want to thank you for the scholarship and how it will help me attend Pius. It is very much appreciated and has helped my family out a lot financially.”

glenn and ann miller scholarship
Fund Purpose/Criteria
Scholarship for students pursuing an agrigulture, horticulture, or business-related field, or in landscaping club
Established in 2006
Students Supported: 90+

Donate to this scholarship by typing the fund name into the designation box on our donation form.

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