Eileen Hartmann Memorial Scholarship

Eileen M. Hartmann was a dedicated wife, mother and grandmother. She had a deep faith which guided her in every aspect of her life. She led a life of service, always instilling one of her greatest qualities in those she came across, compassion. As a nurse, mother and friend she was a constant source of love, support and encouragement not only for the sick, but for those who felt they did not have a voice. She had a special place in her heart for women who had been abused and children who had been neglected. By volunteering at safe homes, food kitchens, Right to Life organizations and Catholic Social Services she instilled in her children the true meaning of respect for life.

Eileen was extremely proud that her children all graduated from Pius X High School: John Hartmann ’84, Suzanne Sharp ’85, Tim Hartmann ’86, Cindy Hartmann ’88, Cathy Kassel ’92 and Barb Hartz ’95. She strongly believed in the principles which serve as the foundation from which Catholic education flows: communicating the gospel message of Jesus, building and modeling a community of faith, orienting students to the obligation and experience of service and providing students with the opportunity for growth in prayer. Her family believes that Pius X provides all of these principles and more, which is why they created the Eileen Hartmann Memorial scholarship – to continue her legacy. Eileen’s generous spirit, devoted friendship, devote faith in God and noble character leaves an even greater legacy.

Excerpts from student thank you letters

“I would like to thank you for the award of the Eileen Hartmann Memorial Scholarship. This award will greatly benefit me in my education at Pius…I will be entering my freshman year at Pius and I am looking forward to high school. I just finished 8th grade at Blessed Sacrament.

[As my parents’ oldest child,] I will be the first person in my family to go to Pius. Both of my parents went to public schools their entire childhoods and they said they wanted a better education for my brother and me. That is why we chose St. Mary’s (which closed), then Blessed Sacrament, and now Pius. So far, my education has been great. My mom always says “you knowledge rivals most college professors.” She mostly says that when I talk about history. My mom became Catholic when she was a teenager and wanted us kids to learn more about God and be raised in the Church. Catholic schools help with that.

….I was in the archery club at Blessed Sacrament. I won a silver medal when I was competing. I want to be in Pius’s archery club and hopefully win a gold medal this year.

My parents and I are very grateful for the scholarship that was given. It will help my family in a huge way. We very much appreciate how generous your family has been. Thank you.”

– Eileen Hartmann Memorial Scholarship recipient

“I am writing to tell you that I am grateful for your kindness and generosity. I received a letter in the mail saying that I had received the Eileen Hartmann Scholarship. My parents and I were so relieved and happy to receive the letter. We have a large family. I have four siblings. The two youngest go to North American Martyrs, my brother…goes to Pius…and my oldest brother [attends] Nebraska Wesleyan. This scholarship will help my mom and dad as they are paying a lot of money for all of us to get a Christian education.

I really like Pius X High School I have met a lot of really good people during my four years at Pius. My friend circle is made up of guys that have the same values and beliefs as me….At school my favorite subjects include small engines and woodworking.

Currently, I work at McDonald’s here in Lincoln…They have offered me the position of manager when I graduate from high school. This will be an excellent opportunity for me to work while attending college. I plan to go to Southeast Community College and complete my prerequisites, then transfer my credits to UNL or Nebraska Wesleyan. I am very interested in a degree in media and technology.

I am sad yet excited that this is my senior year. High school has been fun but challenging. I feel that Pius has prepared me with my faith, values, and outlook on life. Like Eileen, I hope to lead a life of service to our community. I feel through the experiences and things I have learned at Pius I will make good choices and give back in ways that will benefit others.

Thank you again for the scholarship. I am grateful and appreciative of your generosity.”

– Eileen Hartmann Memorial Scholarship recipient

eileen hartman scholarship
Fund Purpose/Criteria
Scholarship for all Pius X students
Established in 2008
Students Supported: 15

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