Candice Harms Memorial Scholarship

Candice (Candi) was born on May 29, 1974, at Bassett Army Hospital, Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Alaska, to Stan and Pat Harms. She had one older sister, Rebecca (Becky) Harms. Candice went to St. Mary’s Parish School in Lincoln through the eighth grade and then attended Pius X High School in Lincoln. Her attendance at Pius X High School helped to strengthen her faith in God and helped her to develop into a loving and nurturing young women. She had a small part in the school production “Hey, Teach” her sophomore year and this further developed her self-confidence, creativity, and self-esteem. She also made many new friends and the experience was the highlight of her Pius years. Candice graduated from Pius X High School in May of 1992, and started her college education in the fall of 1992 at the University of Nebraska.

Candi was tragically taken away from Stan and Pat Harms on September 23, 1992, a victim of an abduction and subsequent murder. Candi was missing from September 23 until December 6, 1992, at which time the two men responsible for her death were apprehended by the police and prosecuted. Ironically, it was during the time that Candi was missing that she did the greatest work for God. Her disappearance made local and national headlines and was the subject of numerous news stories over the nearly three months she was missing. News stories reported about Candi’s tremendous faith in God, her love for children, her infectious laugh and smile, her devoted friendship and trust to her many friends and the love she had for her family. One story told of how Candi, at age 18, would take time out of her work, school ,and study time to stop and sit on the front step of the house to read or play with several neighbor children as they had asked if Candi could come out to play.

One of Candi’s friends told the Harms family that Candi’s death had impacted her family so much that they had started going back to church and were praying every day. Numerous other people communicate to Candi’s family about how the tragedy surrounding Candi had changed their lives and that they also started going back to church and they felt that they had a greater closeness to God.

Excerpts from student thank you letters

Past awardees share how receiving the scholarship made an impact in their lives:

“I love my school because of the environment that I am welcomed to at this Catholic school. I am thankful that I got the Harms Scholarship because I know I can take just a little bit of stress off of my parents….I am thinking about going into Engineering or enlisting in the United States Navy.”

“Thank you very much for permitting me a scholarship at Pius X High School….It is amazing having my faith up front and center in school. I love school and all my classes alike. I currently take Trigonometry, Theology, AP Government, Advanced Chemistry, Accelerated Physics, French 4, Dramatic and Social Literature [and also participate in Choir and Theater, and photograph school events]. I love photography and have been taking pictures ever since I was 5….I plan to major in computer engineering and minor in film making and photography.”

candice harms scholarship
Fund Purpose/Criteria
Scholarship for students involved in play or drama productions
Established in 2016
Students Supported: 5+

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