Pick Family Endowment

Don and Willa Mae Pick were married on January 22, 1946 in Breda, Iowa. Together, they balanced farming, cattle buying, owning Pick Grain Company and raising eight children. Their devotion to their children and grandchildren always took center-stage in their lives. They enjoyed traveling, watching the Chicago Cubs and sustaining close relationships with family and friends.

Don passed away on January 25, 2008. He was a faith-filled, generous man who truly lived out his Catholic faith on a daily basis.

Willa Mae passed away on February 1, 2025. She thoroughly enjoyed hearing about Pius X from her granddaughters.

This scholarship fund has been established to help students make their Pius X dreams a reality.

Pick picture
Fund Purpose/Criteria
To support Pius X students in need
Established in 2022

Donate to this endowed fund by typing the fund name into the designation box on our donation form.

Endowed Funds at Pius X

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