Counseling Center

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The Counseling Center strives to ensure that every student is given the opportunity to reach his/her full potential. Working in cooperation with faculty and administration, school counselors and guidance personnel assist students in their social, emotional and spiritual development, as well as provide realistic educational and career planning opportunities.

Counseling Center Announcements

Email us at 
or Call 402-488-0931

Shelly Pick (A-D)
Director of Counseling

Caycee Hays
School Counselor (E-L)

Connie Freudenberg
School Counselor (M-R)

Jessica Psota
School Counselor (S-Z)

Support Staff

Carla Kruml, Registrar
Sandy Hartman, Support Staff
Theresa Kottwitz, Support Staff

Opportunities for Student Success

School Information

Our student information system is for students and parents. You can access:

Students can earn college credits while in high school in a variety of ways, including Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

Coming this Spring

  • Graduation Information Letter to Parents
  • Senior Fees
  • Graduation Ticket Request
  • Post Prom Waiver

Junior Interviews: Each junior and parents will meet with his/her counselor in January to discuss graduation, college, college testing, majors, careers and answer questions about the college process.

Junior Presentation (PDF): Presented to all juniors toward the beginning of each school year

Registering for Classes for Senior Year (PDF): Presented to all juniors in January 2025

  • Sophomore Presentation (PDF): Presented to the sophomore class earlier this semester.
  • PSAT – We have the registration forms in the guidance office. Check announcements for updated dates and times.

Counseling Services

School counselors are trained to help students with emotional and mental stresses of life. The causes leading to life’s toughest moments are as numerous as the students themselves. Our faith guides us every step along the journey, and often includes other professionals in and out of the school setting.

Planning for Life after High School

Get tips and links on how to prepare for life after high school graduation.

ACT Test Prep Opportunities

Job Shadowing for Seniors/Juniors

The program invites students to see first-hand how the skills learned in school relate to the workplace. Pick up a form in the Counseling Center.

Our annual Apply 2 College day helps students with individualized attention to improve and complete college applications.

So you want to attend Pius X ... Now what?

Incoming Freshmen

New Student Open House is in late January or early February each year. At this event, you’ll receive information to review, hear from students and leaders, and have an opportunity to see the many, many different activities and clubs offered at Pius X.
Families of eighth-grade students can also request a tour and meeting to learn more about the opportunities offered at Pius X.

Transfer Students

Students currently attending another high school or homeschool are invited and encouraged to reach out o our School Counseling Department at 402-488-0931 and speak to a counselor to have a tour, talk about Pius X and/or shadow a current student. 

Pius X Scholarships

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