Art From the Classrooms

Jamie Wawers won best photograph in her photography class (seen above), as judged by staff at Pius X.

I knew instantly that the photo that I took was really cool from looking at it on the camera. Of course, I didn’t realize just how cool of a photo it turned out to be until after I had looked at it on my computer … I love this photo because it shows the beauty of nature and captures a simple moment that normally goes by without being noticed … I love capturing moments in time. Life goes by so quickly, that eventually it all blurs together. Photography captures these special moments and keeps them from fading away.


dessert1 Students in Intro to Culinary Arts (taught by Amy Shonka) are competing in a Food Truck Competition. Each group’s entry had a Signature Dessert, display, and binder with details of their business proposal, and even a mini food truck the students created. The winning team consisted of Norah Stewart, Annie Micek, Emma Eusterwiemann and Sophia Doan, with a blue-dyed vanilla pudding with crushed white Oreo cookie and a gummy snack.


waterworks 1Students in the Culinary Arts class also participated in their own Waterworks competition. They study plating and were assigned to take photos of creatively plating non-alcoholic beverages. Teachers and staff at Pius X voted on their favorites, with first place going to Olivia Ullman (winning entry pictured), second to Netanya Mai, and third to Jacob Bauman.


ALvin Photography students captured color and water in motion (above) thanks to an idea by their art teacher Molly Wallish. A few students dropped colorful items into a tank of water, while others did their best to capture the perfect shot (at right)! Watch the video to see the final results.

photographry water art 4

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