Zachary Baehr

Scott ’92 & Karla ’92 Hartz

Married in July 1998 The Story: We knew of each other, but didn’t have much interaction until our Junior and Senior years of high school when we had some classes together. We had mutual friends, but never really spent any time outside of school together. Karla asked Scott to the Turnabout dance their Senior year […]

Maggie Reese ’17 & Robert Kirkpatrick ’17

To be Married in December 2020 The Story: We both met each other in 6th grade when we were in a play together. We were not super good friends during that time because I thought he was annoying and talked to much. Fast forward to freshman year and we were in Spanish and biology class

Maria ’03 & Mitchel ’04 Benes

Married in 2011 The Story: Mitch and I actually went to the same grade school: St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Lincoln. However, we were in different grades so we didn’t really interact much growing up. We knew each other a little bit in high school and college, but only enough to say “hi” in the

Drew ’04 and Joslyn (Behne) ’06 Mandl

Married in 2017 The Story: We had met many times through mutual friends due to the fact that both of us went to Pius. It wasn’t until 2011 when we discovered that we were both training to run the Lincoln half-marathon, a first for us both. We started talking about training and holding each other

Amy ’92 and Thad ’93 Aerts

Married in 1997 Amy’s Story: Thad initially saw me when he was a Freshman sitting in study hall. I was a Sophomore and had walked past the study hall room and he thought to himself “I would never have a chance with her”. It wasn’t until three years later when I was a Senior that

Michelle (Sisel) ’13 & Nick ’13 Kramer

Married in 2016 The Story: We met in World Geography class freshman year. We would talk and flirt all the time but it wasn’t until a month or so of meeting each other. One night talking on the phone he pipped up and asked me to be his girlfriend! I remember his voice cracking when

Ashley ’03 and Jake ’03 Schueth

Married in 2009 The Story: We initially met in Biology our Freshman year. I remember being partners for a group project, but we never really hung out besides that. He was on the track team and ran cross country. I was in Math Club and also on a dance team outside of Pius. We hung

Ellie Beiermann ’16 & Jakob Andreasen ’16

To be Married June 2020 The Story: We had a few classes together throughout high school and then Jakob joined the track team junior year so we were around each other more. We went to prom together senior year and continued getting to know each other. Prom senior year led to dating. We didn’t actually

Kristin (Edwards) ’91 & Peter ’90 Heath

Married in 1995 The Story: Kristin was a sophomore, and Peter a junior. We were at a not very well attended JV football game one night in the stands of Aldrich Field. I was with one of my close friends, and he was with one of his. His friend started to flirt with mine, and

Mary McManus ’17 & Phil Turner ’18

To be married in June 2021 The story: We had chemistry class together his sophomore and my junior year. We had mutual friends in the class and continued to talk to each other and do homework. He eventually joined Pius players with me and that’s when we got close. We both kept trying to set

Katie ’05 and Matt ’05 Benes

Married in 2009 The story: Our sisters actually played volleyball for years so we met as kids, but officially “met” junior year at Pius in religion class. He interrupted my story to a friend and I was not ok with it…death glare would be an accurate statement and fun first impression. The first dating moment:

Lindsey (Bailey) ’98 & Matt ’98 Major

Married in 2007 The Story: The first time we talked to each other was at a student council car wash fundraiser in the Pius parking lot the summer before our senior year. During the volleyball season that year we rode to an away game together with friends.” In September of our senior year we watched

Paul ‘ 01 and Colleen (Kapler) ’01 Warner

Married in 2006 The Story: Met our Freshman year in English class with Mr. Franks. The first date: We went to homecoming sophomore year and started dating shortly thereafter. Piux X impact today: We had a great high school experience and want these same experience for our 4 boys and baby girl due in April

Marissa ’13 & Fletcher ’13 Zornes

Married in 2018 The Story: Our families have always been intertwined. Fletcher’s grandfather delivered my siblings and I at St. Elizabeth’s hospital, and my mom would always bake her special Christmas sugar cookies for the Zornes boys. We met in the first grade as students at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ grade school. Our

Jordan ’14 & Josh Borzekofski ’13

Married in 2017 The Story: We met though the Pius Trap Club when I was a junior and Josh was a senior. He started talking to me and we have been together ever since! The first date: When Josh asked me out on a date one evening at trap practice Piux X impact today: I

Toni Essay (Worster) ’73 & Jim Essay ’73

Married in 1978 The Story: Our first date was the Prom at the end of our Senior year. We’ve been dating ever since 😜 I think we first started to notice each other during Senior Religion Class. Pius X impact today: It’s especially great when we have a class reunion. We have helped organize our

Shelby Chapelle ’13 and Aaron Lafler ’13

Married in 2020 The Story: We met on the junior trip to DC. Aaron asked me to senior prom. Only after I had asked around to three different people at school if they would go to prom with me. Finally a friend was able to contact Aaron while he was out fishing and told him

Mike ’91 and Laura (Schultz) ’91 Haley

Married in 1997 The Story: We met in HS but never dated. I actually almost asked her to prom senior year, but I didn’t have the nerve! After our sophomore year in college, we both worked at East Park in the summer and ran into each other. I asked her out for frozen yogurt and

Jamie ’95 and Andy ’95 Jakub

Married in 2001 The Story: We met in Mr. Scheffler’s sophomore speech class. It’s nerve racking enough to have to stand up and give a speech in front of classmates. Andy would make faces and do whatever he could during my speeches to embarrass me or trip me up. I apparently liked that! Our first

Marie ’95 and Jeff ’94 Jarrett

Married in 1998 The Story: We had the same Spanish I class. I would always catch him staring at me. 😉 We didn’t really talk that much but we had mutual friends. There wasn’t ever an exact moment or even being asked “to go out” together. Jeff asked me to homecoming, my sophomore year his

Melissa Ostlund-Helmink ’97 & Brad Helmink ’97

Married in 2001 The Story: Brad and I met for the first time in the freshman hallway (which continued to be our classes hallway until senior year much to our chagrin…..moving hallways was a right of passage at Pius!). Anyways, we met probably within the first week or so of school. He was a jokester,

Robert ’54 and Charlotte Crosby ’57

Married in 1961 The story: “It was 1959 and I just got out of the Army and returned to Lincoln. It was Saturday and I thought I would go to confession at Cathedral. As I was saying my penance, I noticed a good looking girl a couple pews in front of me. She kind of

Chris (Studnicka) ’75 & Kelly McGovern ’75

Married in 1977 The story: We met at St. Teresa grade school in 7th grade when Chris moved to Lincoln from Iowa. We had our first kiss in 8th grade. We dated off and on throughout high school. We attended all 4 Turnabout dances and also both Junior/Senior proms. Our relationship flourished at the end

Ann ’69 & Nick ’69 Cusick

Married 1972 The story: Nick moved to Lincoln from Fremont the summer before our Jr. year and was in several classes with me and starting hanging around with our “Student Council Group”. We even had an office on the west end of the 2nd floor! On April 6th, 1969, Easter Sunday, 4 of the guys

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