Making the move for Catholic education
From Rocky Mountain majesties to vast corn fields, my family’s choice to relocate may seem questionable to some. Allow me to provide some background …
From Rocky Mountain majesties to vast corn fields, my family’s choice to relocate may seem questionable to some. Allow me to provide some background …
This scholarship fund has been established to help students make their Pius X dreams a reality.
This endowment has been established to help students make their Pius X dreams a reality.
The 2022 Distinguished Steward Award is presented to Jan Frayser in recognition of her extraordinary generosity in sharing her time, talent, and treasure with Pius X and our community.
The Pius X softball team completed 31 hours worth of work in only one hour’s time this past Saturday: Picking vegetables, mulching, baking, washing cars, and preparing supplies for catechesis classes. “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” Matthew 20:28
Thank you! We are honored to have been chosen to receive one of the ten $100,000 gifts from The Big Give. Thank you to all those who voted for us, and thanks to Union Bank & Trust for their generosity. The funds will be put toward our new secure front entrance and welcome center. Congrats
Right before COVID entered the world we had anonymously surveyed our students on their faith lives covering a variety of topics. Most of the results were what would be expected. Results such as 88.5% of our students feel that God loves them personally. Or 80% of our students say it is important for them to
Photos from our 2022 Party in the Hallways, as part of Alumni Weekend
This is a pilot year for this program for the 2022-23 school year. Future funding for this scholarship is not guaranteed. Work Ethic Grant Application and Time Card (pdf) Time Card (Excel file) A new scholarship is being offered through the Lincoln Diocese. In an effort to help keep tuition affordable and to reward students’
We celebrated the new school year with an All School Mass.
The Pius X football team and football family donated supplies and assembled sack lunches that were delivered to the People’s City Mission as part of their Meals to Go Program. The Mission distributes 100+ Meals to Go per day to men, women and children. The players assembled 200+ meals in about an hour.