Stats students counting on delicious data as a treat
Students in Brianna Olson’s AP Stats class are investigating if expectations meet reality when it comes to their M&M’s Candy.
Students in Brianna Olson’s AP Stats class are investigating if expectations meet reality when it comes to their M&M’s Candy.
Pius X is expanding its Farm to School Program, adding Nebraska-grown beef to its ingredients. Currently, the program features local farm fresh vegetables, melons, pumpkins and squash, eggs and bison for its students, of which about 600-800 eat the main entrée offered in the school’s breakfast and lunch menu.  This new initiative will provide beef
Fr. Ryan Kaup ’06 spoke to students for our weekly Lenten Service.
AP Stats students created and launched their own paper airplanes to collect data for an AP Stats project
Several Pius X students performed well at the state archery competition.
The annual Machine Contest at Pius X – involving students in the AP Physics (PACE) and Accelerated Physics classes – featured six machines built over multiple weeks, with planning lasting more than two months.
Our Sotto Voce choir sang Monday at the State Capitol building as part of the Music Education National Association Concert Series for ‘Music in the Schools’ month.
Abby Sullivan, a 2018 graduate of Pius X High School, spoke with our students about the challenges she has faced by living out her faith.
Senior Libby Timmerman spoke of courage, dancing with Jesus and her personal testimony as part of our Lenten Prayer series.
Cameron Pieper, a teacher and former Husker football player, spoke at Pius X’s latest Fellowship of Athletes (PFA). He spoke about his journey as a person, including his conversion of faith leading him to his first communion this summer and a renewal of his wedding vows in a Catholic church.
Clairvaux Villa, a senior at Pius X, has been named a National Merit finalist.
Matt Masker, Focus Missionary and former Husker football player, spoke about suffering for our all-school Lenten Prayer Service. He shared stories about his time as an athlete, his relationship with Christ, and his calling to become a priest (he plans to enter the seminary this fall).
Spanish 4 students have been creating books with a story and pictures.
by Terry Kathol, Principal I have been reflecting lately on the core values of Pius specifically on the core value of purpose. What is our purpose? This is a question asked by businesses, and individuals often. The purpose of Pius as a catholic school can be identified within our mission statement. The purpose of Pius
Sara (LeDuc ’07) Racicot spoke at our first Lenten Prayer Service of the year.
Cecilia Oldenburg, junior, swimming; Tatum Schell, freshman, basketball; Brynn Sebek, senior, basketball; Caylee Schlautman, sophomore, cheer/diving. Jackson Makovicka, freshman, basketball; Joseph Werner, senior, swimming; Sam Aschwege, sophomore, bowling; Joe Andreasen, junior, wrestling.