Students take part in Borlaug Scholars program at UNL
Pius X had eight students named Borlaug Scholars this year, based on their participation through the Nebraska Youth Institute for The World Food Prize.
February Student Athletes of the Month
February Student-Athletes of the Month: front row, from left – Layna Meents, junior, basketball; Kaelin Ta, sophomore, cheer; Carson Dillingham, sophomore, wrestling; Brady Bixenmann, freshman, wrestling; second row – Kellen Humm, senior, basketball; Mike Haith, junior, basketball; Sara Iburg, senior, basketball; Georgia Wright, freshman, basketball.
Show Choirs wrap up an amazing season
Our Show Choirs had an amazing season! Thank you seniors for your hard work and leadership … and for sharing your God-given talents with us.
Asking the Holy Spirit to join us
For me, it is a reminder to ask the Holy Spirit to join me when I pray, or when I am nervous about something or when I am grateful.
Finding clarity at a low point, with Charlie Budell
Senior Charlie Budell thought his life was full with all the right things. During his junior year, he said he was hitting a low and had an encounter with Christ at the Fall Retreat, giving him clarity on what more God was offering him.
Stats students counting on delicious data as a treat
Students in Brianna Olson’s AP Stats class are investigating if expectations meet reality when it comes to their M&M’s Candy.
New ‘beef to school’ option has benefits for students at Pius X Â
Pius X is expanding its Farm to School Program, adding Nebraska-grown beef to its ingredients. Currently, the program features local farm fresh vegetables, melons, pumpkins and squash, eggs and bison for its students, of which about 600-800 eat the main entrée offered in the school’s breakfast and lunch menu.  This new initiative will provide beef
Filling our wounds with God’s love instead of sin, with Fr. Kaup
Fr. Ryan Kaup ’06 spoke to students for our weekly Lenten Service.
AP Stats takes to the ‘air’ for data collection
AP Stats students created and launched their own paper airplanes to collect data for an AP Stats project
Students earn honors at state archery competition
Several Pius X students performed well at the state archery competition.
Machines that make sandwiches using 20 steps
The annual Machine Contest at Pius X – involving students in the AP Physics (PACE) and Accelerated Physics classes – featured six machines built over multiple weeks, with planning lasting more than two months.
Choir performs at state capitol as part of special honor
Our Sotto Voce choir sang Monday at the State Capitol building as part of the Music Education National Association Concert Series for ‘Music in the Schools’ month.
Walking with those who persecute you, with Abby Sullivan
Abby Sullivan, a 2018 graduate of Pius X High School, spoke with our students about the challenges she has faced by living out her faith.