Hayes ’09 starts sports marketing agency

Patrick Hayes is a 2009 graduate of Pius X High School, and recently started his own sports marketing agency.

What is your current title and workplace?

Co-Founder of Waterhouse Hayes

How did you get involved in this work, and did you see this as a pathway when you were in high school?

patrick hayes sports marketing
Patrick Hayes, middle

I wanted to be a physical therapist in college and spent 3 years studying that while I was an athletic trainer for the University of Oklahoma (where I went to school) track and field and football teams. During that time I realized that I wanted to be more hands on with athletes in a business way. I changed my major as a senior (after already finishing my Health and Exercise Science minor) to Journalism with a focus on Public Relations. From there I worked in the Oklahoma Athletics Digital Media department where I was responsible for overseeing the social media accounts.

Upon graduation, I went back to Lincoln and got my foot in the door in the sports and entertainment industry by working at a start up called opendorse. After almost 2 years there I took a job in Los Angeles at a sports talent agency where I became hands on with NBA and NFL players. As of November 2017 I formed my own sports marketing agency called Waterhouse Hayes where we represent professional athletes for marketing, public relations, and digital.

During high school I did not know this was the path I was going to choose.

What did you focus on to get this business started, and what steps are next for you professionally?

I focused on creating my own lane in the industry. It’s a tough industry to get into but there has been a need for change, and I feel like that’s what I’m doing now. Next steps are to build our agency and grow a team.

When an athlete works with you, do they have goals in mind, or do you help them think through that as well?

Athletes have their own personal goals they want to strive for. It is my job to not only go above and beyond for their goals but to help them set new ones that we know will help take them to the next level.

How does your faith play into your role/life?

There have been many times during my journey that I just wanted to give up and stop pursuing my dreams. Had it not been for the many prayers and my faith I don’t believe I would be where I am today.

When not working, what hobbies or activities do you enjoy doing?

There’s so much to do in LA it’s tough to point out exactly my hobbies, but I love to go to sporting events, comedy shows, yoga, hiking, and tasting all the great food out here.

What memories do you have of Pius X High School?

I loved game days and special holidays where we got to dress up. That was always great to see what creativity people thought of. I met my best friends for life at Pius X and I still get together with a lot of my classmates during the year.

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