Stacie (Bird) Hooks ’97

First Food Job: Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar
Current Food Job/Hustle/Passion: Owner of Slim Chickens with my husband, Bill Hooks.
Food Memories: Food has always been a part of my life. We started in the restaurant business when I was about 8 years old, but my favorite meals were when we all got together on Sundays after church. We would have a lot of German dishes with my mom’s side and brunches with my dad’s side. Food is always so much better when cooked with love.
Pius X Memories: A couple great memories I have. One…. We used to eat our lunch in the basement, it was so small and our food was always sponsored by a different club/organization and catered in by different fast food restaurants. The other memory i have is from senior year, a few of us had our lunch period and the period right after/before (can’t remember) so we basically had about an hour and a half for lunch before we had to be back. One of the guys worked at Gristanti’s and I worked at Applebee’s, so we switch off once a week and have lunch together with our employee discounts, so much fun!

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Kim Codr-Stockman ’89

It has been such a joy having the ability to work for myself and for my dream to be supported by the community.

Stacie (Bird) Hooks ’97

We started in the restaurant business when I was about 8 years old, but my favorite meals were when we all got together on Sundays after church.

BJ Kreifels ’97

“I grew up always interested in food and wanting to create my own “recipe” for things.”

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