Alumni Educator Profile
Sara (Fritz) Elder
Class of 2004
Grade/Subject/Position: 2nd Grade- Westside Community Schools
Omaha, NE
When I realized/discovered I wanted to be a teacher: I’ve always loved interacting with children and watching them learn new things. During my senior year at Pius my counselor Mrs. Frayser helped guide me to the Education Program at UNO. Very thankful for her guidance!
School memories that impacted how/why I teach: I was always a very social student. I loved talking and interacting with my peers! Giving students time for social interactions and creating positive relationships is so important in my daily teaching.
The impact of my students on me: I have learned there are so many different types of learners. As an educator I have to be very flexible to be able to meet the needs of all students.
Family Update: I married my husband Jesse in 2013. He is a middle school Science teacher. We have two sons Jude, 6 and Miles, 3.
Hobbies & Activities: Spending time outside with my family- biking, hiking and exploring new places.
Personal Achievement: Teaching for over ten years and raising children!
My memories of Pius X: I loved all the social events- football and basketball games, homecoming, prom! My senior year my best friend and I shared a front row parking spot and we took turns driving to school together daily.