Latest Photo Galleries

Discovering how metal reacts with oxygen gas
Madalyn Youngers’ Advanced Chemistry class has been studying empirical formulas. In this lab, they are determining the empirical formula of a magnesium-oxygen compound by conducting

Capturing details through the lens in Photography class
Students in Laura Gustafson’s photography class have been spotted around campus working on their ‘Principles of Art’ project.

Cars in motion allow for gathering empirical data
Students are engaging in a hands-on experiment designed to deepen their understanding of motion in Jeremy Scheffler’s Accelerated Physics class. Working in small groups, each

May Crowning Mass photos and homily podcast
Fr. Dominic Winter spoke (mostly to the graduating seniors) about the importance of belonging. We get to choose, he said, to who or what we

Adding a menu to the classroom lesson
Students in Spanish II have been working on their Spanish and culinary skills this week.

Healthcare club gets hands-on training from local trauma team
The Pius X Future Healthcare Leaders recently hosted the Bryan Medical Center’s Trauma Team and received essential Stop The Bleed Training.

Cupcake challenge sweet treat for students and taste-testers
Amy Shonka’s Intro to Culinary Arts Class have been busy baking for the Cupcake Wars Competition. With the theme of Winter Wonderland, students are showcasing