Elizabeth (Cunningham) Noble ’05

Elizabeth (Cunningham) Noble ’05 is being inducted into the Pius X 2024 Fine Arts Hall of Fame for Visual Arts. A Boston-area oil painter and illustrator, Elizabeth uses art to investigate her surroundings, seeking meaning in daily life. Bold mark-making unifies her work, which ranges from intricate drawings to large-scale oil paintings. Elizabeth uses simple subjects and experiences for her compositions. She paints to explore, then communicate, the stories and wonder she finds in these common and overlooked settings.

Elizabeth grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, and attended St. Teresa Catholic School and Pius X High School. The first daughter in a large family (with eight siblings who are also Pius X graduates), she was an expressive and ever-exploring kid. At Pius X, she acted on her opportunity to try everything. She ran cross country, participated in theater, emceed events for the student body, and sang in choirs. As a high school senior, she enjoyed self-directed study in art and biology thanks to the special attention of her teachers, Mrs. Laurie Rodaway and Mrs. Sheila Mehlhaff. After graduating from Pius X in 2005, Elizabeth continued exploring multiple passions at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. After a transformative art class, she began to study art more seriously. She graduated with a dual degree in Biology and Studio Art and persisted in building her art practice after college.

Elizabeth moved to Boston and sampled a variety of careers, working in scientific research, marketing, and operations. After many years of filling evenings, weekends, and vacation time with artmaking, Elizabeth pivoted to pursue a professional art career in 2020.

Elizabeth is a wife, mother, artist, businesswoman, and a very messy gardener. She is dedicated to her husband, small children, and her art practice. Elizabeth works out of her home studio in Wakefield, Massachusetts. She is an active member of several art communities and shows work continuously. Her artworks hang in her alma mater and numerous private collections across the United States.

Elizabeth believes visual art is a powerful tool for self-discovery, connection, and communication. Her mission is to share the wonder she finds in daily life and to promote the power of creativity. See her work and join her online in the studio at https://elizabethnoble.studio/

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