bolt love

Mike ’91 and Laura (Schultz) ’91 Haley

Married in 1997

The Story: We met in HS but never dated. I actually almost asked her to prom senior year, but I didn’t have the nerve!

After our sophomore year in college, we both worked at East Park in the summer and ran into each other. I asked her out for frozen yogurt and we developed a long distance relationship that fall.

We didn’t know each other well, but hung out in similar circles and ended up spending a lot of time together after a pre graduation party. I just ran out of time to get to know her. When we met again, it was easier to settle into a relationship with shared experiences and common friends (she lived with 2 other Pius classmates that next year).

Life Update: Project Manager for a tech company in Omaha, guitarist at church and in a local band, soccer coach and proud dad of 4 children (13, 11, and 7 year old twins). Laura is a homeschool mom, basketball coach, and enjoys taekwondo. Our children are involved in basketball, soccer, taekwondo, AHG, and youth group.

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