bolt love

Melissa Ostlund-Helmink ’97 & Brad Helmink ’97

Married in 2001

The Story: Brad and I met for the first time in the freshman hallway (which continued to be our classes hallway until senior year much to our chagrin…..moving hallways was a right of passage at Pius!). Anyways, we met probably within the first week or so of school. He was a jokester, always smiling and would tease me about my shortness. We got to know each other mostly over the phone on weekend, late night phone calls to our families “teen line”, but also at Pius events, games and hanging out with friends on the weekend.

We were friends through all our years at Pius and all while dating other people…. just building a great friendship and then came senior year. Neither of us were dating anyone and Brad and Brian Farley’s dads took a van load of us seniors and some graduated senior friends from the class of 1996 to Winterpark, CO to ski. Brad and I ditched the rest of them for the last hour or so of skiing to ski together and had a great time. After that it was a no-brainer and we were official within a couple weeks! 🙂

Pius X impact today: I believe having a similar high school experience helped us strengthen our relationship especially because we got married so young. It’s hard to get married young because you can find yourselves growing apart as you mature into the person you are to become. You have to work hard at making sure you are growing up together and not apart. It has also helped because we’ve really never had to blend friends. Our longest, closest friends are those friends from Pius and no matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked to or seen them we pick up right where we left off. We all have that collective bond of growing up together at Pius. Brad and I have known each other since we were 14, so we have literally grown up together. Our shared history at Pius is some of the greatest and most fun memories that both of us have.

Life Update: Brad and I are currently living in Henderson, Nevada and have 2 boys. Oliver will turn 14 in March and Gus is 10. They keep us busy with their schooling, band, hockey and rock climbing and they keep us laughing with their clever wit and great sense of humor just like their dad! I have been a licensed massage practitioner for 20 years and am currently studying to become an Ayurveda Health and Lifestyle practitioner. Brad is director of sales and marketing for a company specializing in animation, visual effects and game development software. Our family loves to hike, go to the beach, camp, travel, be with family and friends, cheer on the Huskers and the Vegas Golden Knights and snuggle up together on family movie night.

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