bolt love

Marissa ’13 & Fletcher ’13 Zornes

Married in 2018

The Story: Our families have always been intertwined. Fletcher’s grandfather delivered my siblings and I at St. Elizabeth’s hospital, and my mom would always bake her special Christmas sugar cookies for the Zornes boys. We met in the first grade as students at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ grade school. Our friendship started with teasing each other between and during classes about the Red Sox and Yankees. In about 6th/7th grade, Fletcher started to realize my family was a huge golfing family, so he would text me on his mom’s phone asking if I wanted to golf with him. Our parents would drop us off at Jim Ager Golf Course on weekends and summer days to spend an hour or two golfing with each other. We are both very competitive, and so it was always a fun time seeing who could beat who that day. They say that the best way to get to know someone is by playing golf with them, and it couldn’t be more spot on for us. What was the moment that actually led to ‘dating’?

After golfing for several years and getting to know each other more as individuals, our feelings started to develop into something more than just friends. Our competitive nature turned into flirting! We would start texting each about non-golf related things, and we would even stay up until 2am texting each other trying to talk as much as possible. We started “dating” second semester senior year after Fletcher took me to Yia Yia’s for a spontaneous date night. We couldn’t stop smiling and sharing stories, and that’s when we knew we weren’t just friends.

Piux X impact today: Having a lot of similar history allows us to reminisce on so many wonderful memories and time spent with one another. Growing up in the same school and spiritual background allows us to have a solid foundation of friendship that grounds us today as spouses.

Life Update: We have a black Labrador named, Augusta. She’s 1 1/2 years old, and we named her after Augusta National Golf Course (it always comes back to golf for us!). We love to golf when we get the chance in our busy lives as Lincoln Public Schools teachers. We still bicker about the Red Sox and Yankees, so we enjoy watching baseball together, as well!

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