bolt love

Marie ’95 and Jeff ’94 Jarrett

Married in 1998

The Story: We had the same Spanish I class. I would always catch him staring at me. 😉 We didn’t really talk that much but we had mutual friends.

There wasn’t ever an exact moment or even being asked “to go out” together. Jeff asked me to homecoming, my sophomore year his junior year. We were super comfortable with each other from the very beginning. We just kind of fell into place as a couple.

Piux X impact today: Having gone to the same high school, as well as having been raised in the Catholic School system, definitely gives us a deeper connection. Being able to share some of the same experiences and memories is really special. I feel Jeff and I are fortunate to have found each other so early in life, and even more fortunate that we’ve been able to stay close while basically growing up together. Jeff and I fondly look back at our high school time together.

Life Update: I am a professional stay at home mom. 😉 Jeff’s schedule as a critical care pulmonologist is extremely time consuming and at times unpredictable, so we both agree that my availability is a valuable asset to our family life. We have three kids. Lucy is a junior at Pius X, Ava is an 8th grader at St. Peter’s, and Isaac is a 5th grader at Cathedral. Jeff and love being active in our kid’s activities, but we also enjoy our reset time on a yearly getaway with just us two.

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